Monday, April 15, 2013

Featured Report:Doctors and nurses have figured out LinkedIn, now we need more researchers

This Week's Healthcare Online News
Fierce Health Payer
Study: Employer-sponsored coverage dropped 10%
by+ Dina Overland

In more evidence that the health insurance industry's landscape is transforming, a new study finds employer-based coverage, once the cornerstone of the market, has "eroded substantially."
Only 60 percent of Americans now receive coverage through their employer, a decrease of 10 percent in the last decade or 12 million fewer people, according to a study released Thursday by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Meanwhile, premiums have been increasing with the average family premiums costing more than $14,000 in 2011, a 125 percent surge from the $5,000 average in 2000.
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Challenging gene patents Myriad ruling will impact personalized medicine
by:+Jaimy Lee

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments this week in the Myriad Genetics gene patenting case, whose outcome could have major financial consequences for healthcare providers and patients and help determine the future affordability of gene-based medical technologies and personalized medicine. The case is also likely to have broader implications for healthcare providers that are grappling with how to better understand and incorporate genomic medicine into day-to-day care.
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Med City News
Doctors and nurses have figured out LinkedIn, now we need more researchers
By:+Veronica Combs

Simon Zhang, data analyst and former neurosurgeon, reports that there are now one million doctors and nurses in the US using the social networking site. What are they doing? Looking for a new job, commenting on particularly good insights from MedCityNews or complaining about long hours in one of these groups.
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Emphasis on education Higher levels of health literacy critical to better healthcare outcomes
by:+Maureen McKinney

When Dr. Ruth Parker travels around the country talking to providers about the need to focus on health literacy, she rarely encounters anyone who doesn't agree that it's an issue with serious implications for healthcare outcomes. That's in sharp contrast to a decade ago, she says, when few understood the scope of the problem or the way in which patients' poor understanding of health information could lead to more errors, worse adherence to treatment plans and higher healthcare costs.
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Featured Healthcare Program: Web Docs


We provide unlimited access to U.S. licensed physicians via web-cam, phone, or secure e-mail. Immediate access available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Being healthy should be a natural right that everyone is entitled to. Lack of access and information or financial limitations should never be allowed to further fuel the fear and uncertainty that prevents one from achieving their highest levels of health.
WebDocsNetwork was created to make life easier, better, and most importantly, healthier. To re-distribute healthcare and improve quality and access for everyone. Our vision and mission is to provide people from all over the globe, access to U.S.
licensed, board-certified physicians. Healthcare when you need it, where you need it. We provide individuals unlimited real-time, immediate interaction with a national network of physicians via web-cam. phone or secure e-mail. Access 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.

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Keith Berggren
Tel: 773-758-0007

Friday, April 12, 2013

Featured Report: 5 Tips to Make Facebook Marketing Mobile-Friendly

This Week's Home/Small Business Online News
The Daily Muse
4 Things Your Brand Can Learn From the Best Business Blogs
by+Alex Honeysett

A blog is a great—and free!—way to publicize your company and directly engage with your community. But if you have a business that isn’t exactly, well, sexy, you may wonder if a blog showcasing what you do can still be beneficial.
The answer is a resounding yes. In fact, a blog can arguably be more impactful for brands in not-so-exciting industries if you’re able to build a fun, exciting experience for your current and potential clients. You’d expect a fashion retailer to have a sassy blog, but an insurance company? Now that’s interesting.
No matter what you’re promoting, here are four easy tips to create a blog for your business that will surprise and delight your audience.
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Fast Company
Ideas, not products, are the key to innovation
by:+Kaihan Krippendorff

The third-floor screening room in a hip Singaporean bar-lined neighborhood: black walls, tall ceilings, movie projector, and a roomful of globally minded entrepreneurs. This is the moment I will most remember from my last visit to Singapore. There is a shift underway in Asia, a bubbling up of self-made entrepreneurs. Asian commerce in the past five decades was dominated by larger-than-life conglomerate builders gathering assets under unofficial government protection. But this is changing. A new generation of entrepreneurs is emerging, outthinking the old guard.
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Entrepreneur Magazine
Crowdfunding Industry On Fire: Trends to Watch
By:+Catherine Clifford

The crowdfunding industry is already growing rapidly, and as that growth accelerates, several crowdfunding niches are expected to really take off.
Last year, 308 crowdfunding platforms across the world raised $2.7 billion, an 81 percent increase over the amount raised in 2011, according to the annual report released today from the Los Angeles based research firm, Massolution. The growth in 2012 represents an acceleration, up from 64 percent growth in 2011. Looking ahead, growth is expected to reach $5.1 billion raised in 2013, representing an expected 89 percent increase in the dollars raised, the report predicts.
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Social Media Examiner
5 Tips to Make Facebook Marketing Mobile-Friendly
by:+Jim Belosic

Do you know how your audience accesses Facebook? Do your Facebook fans see your updates on their mobile devices? According to Facebook’s fourth-quarter report, around 680 million of the company’s one billion monthly active users access Facebook from mobile devices.
It’s up to brands and businesses to make sure that any marketing efforts they add to Facebook are mobile-friendly, including custom apps, email, advertising, etc. Here are five things you can do until Facebook fine-tunes its mobile experience:
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Featured Healthcare Program:Healthcare Online 24/7

Healthcare Online 24/7

Through our WebDocsNetwok we provide unlimited access to U.S. licensed physicians via web-cam, phone, or secure e-mail. Immediate access available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Being healthy should be a natural right that everyone is entitled to. Lack of access and information or financial limitations should never be allowed to further fuel the fear and uncertainty that prevents one from achieving their highest levels of health.
WebDocsNetwork was created to make life easier, better, and most importantly, healthier. To re-distribute healthcare and improve quality and access for everyone. Our vision and mission is to provide people from all over the globe, access to U.S.
licensed, board-certified physicians. Healthcare when you need it, where you need it. We provide individuals unlimited real-time, immediate interaction with a national network of physicians via web-cam. phone or secure e-mail. Access 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.

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Keith Berggren
Tel: 773-758-0007
Healthcare Online 24/7
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Featured Report: Illinois- focus on consumer experience in Medicaid modernization

This Week's Healthcare Online News
Online Health Plan Brokers Could See Windfall Under ACA

Online insurance brokers are positioning themselves to receive a potential windfall when the federal government distributes billions in insurance subsidies to help U.S. residents purchase coverage under the Affordable Care Act, the Washington Post's "Wonkblog" reports.
In March, HHS approved partnerships between states and online insurance brokers but set strict standards on the information that the private websites must display.
According to HHS, the sites must "provide consumers with the ability to view all [health plans] offered through the exchange" and avoid giving people "financial incentives, such as rebates or giveaways," to sell a certain plan.
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Government Health IT
States focus on consumer experience in Medicaid modernization
by:+Anthony Brino

Medicaid issues in Illinois have been exacerbated by outdated Medicaid information systems, a lack of care coordination and long-running public financing problems.
Facing some $2.3 billion in unpaid Medicaid bills, on top of several billion in budget shortfalls and almost $100 billion in long-term unfunded public pension obligations, Illinois is perhaps the most striking example of Medicaid’s challenges — and the need for digital health technologies and consumer-focused services.
Although not as sweeping as state budget hawks would prefer, Illinois’ 2011 Medicaid reform law, in tandem with its budding statewide health information exchange, should go at least some way to crafting a more sustainable safety net program that reduces financial chaos for providers while improving patient experiences and outcomes.
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Health Data Management
Senate Committee to Examine Progress of Insurance Exchanges, Consumer Protections
By:+ Joseph Goedert

The Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee on April 11 will hold a hearing to assess the progress at state and federal levels in creating health insurance exchanges and review reform-mandated consumer protections effective in January 2014.
The protections, which are changes in insurance rating rules, include prohibiting denial of insurance coverage based on pre-existing conditions, and limits to premium rates based on health status, gender or age.
Witnesses expected to testify at the hearing include Gary Cohen, director of the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight at CMS; Kevin Counihan, CEO at the Connecticut Health Insurance Marketplace (Exchange); Sabrina Corlette, project director at Georgetown Health Policy Institute’s Center on Health Insurance Reform; and Chris Carlson, principal and consulting actuary at Oliver Wyman Consulting in Milwaukee.
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What Sources Are Used by Those Who Look Up Health-Related Information on the Internet?

Of the U.S. residents who use the Internet to find health-related information, 59% have used WebMD, according to a recent survey conducted for The Atlantic in conjunction with pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline.
The survey found that 22% of online health information seekers have used Google, 17% have used the Mayo Clinic's website, 12% have used their health insurer's website and 8% have used NIH's website.
The survey involved a nationally representative sample of 1,000 U.S. residents, 638 of whom reported using the Internet to find health-related information.
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Featured Healthcare Program: Web Docs


We provide unlimited access to U.S. licensed physicians via web-cam, phone, or secure e-mail. Immediate access available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Being healthy should be a natural right that everyone is entitled to. Lack of access and information or financial limitations should never be allowed to further fuel the fear and uncertainty that prevents one from achieving their highest levels of health.
WebDocsNetwork was created to make life easier, better, and most importantly, healthier. To re-distribute healthcare and improve quality and access for everyone. Our vision and mission is to provide people from all over the globe, access to U.S.
licensed, board-certified physicians. Healthcare when you need it, where you need it. We provide individuals unlimited real-time, immediate interaction with a national network of physicians via web-cam. phone or secure e-mail. Access 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.

Affiliate Program
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Keith Berggren
Tel: 773-758-0007

Monday, April 8, 2013

Featured Report:Most individual plans missing reform's essential benefits

This Week's Healthcare Online News
The Washington Post
Tens of thousands could be kicked off Medicaid in historically generous states
by+ N.C. Aizenman

At a time when most states are preparing to expand their Medicaid programs in line with the new health-care law, tens of thousands of people in states with historically generous Medicaid coverage could soon be kicked off the rolls.
In Wisconsin, officials want to to take advantage of the law to shift nearly 100,000 low-income people from the health insurance program for the poor into subsidized private plans.
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Med City News
Advocates say feds not spending enough on promoting federal insurance exchanges
by:+Jenny Gold

When President Lyndon B. Johnson wanted to enroll seniors for the new Medicare program he had just signed into law, the story goes that his administration sent out workers on dog sleds to reach people in the remote Alaskan tundra.
"The Forest Service even had rangers looking for hermits in the woods," recalled the late Robert Ball, Johnson’s Social Security commissioner, in a documentary on Medicare’s 40th anniversary.
The plan to insure as many as 27 million Americans under the federal health law beginning this fall will be the biggest expansion of health coverage since that launch. Millions will be eligible to shop for insurance in the new online marketplaces, which open for enrollment Oct. 1 with the coverage taking effect Jan. 1.
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Fierce Health Payer
Most individual plans missing reform's essential benefits
By:+Dina Overland

Most of the individual health plans that insurers sell don't meet reform law standards that go into effect next year, according to a study published in the journal Health Affairs. The gap in coverage comes from essential health benefits, including maternity care, and mental health and substance abuse services, that insurers must provide starting next year. The new individual plans "will offer a lot more financial protection," lead author Jon Gabel told CNN Money. "Combined with a ban on medical underwriting, the individual insurance market in a post-health reform world will sharply contrast with the market of past decades," the study states.
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Fierce EMR
Barriers impede provider use, endorsement of PHRs
by:+Marla Durben Hirsch

The low adoption rate of personal health records by consumers may be caused in part by problems that providers are having with the systems, according to a new study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research.
PHRs provide a benefit to providers, as well as to patients, in the "ecosystem," and provider endorsement of PHRs may be an important factor in patients' use of PHRs and of positive patient outcomes. The researchers, from the Veteran's Administration, sought to determine how providers' experiences with PHRs related to patient use. They conducted extensive interviews with 30 providers using the My HealtheVet PHR and secure messaging system.
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Featured Healthcare Program: Web Docs


We provide unlimited access to U.S. licensed physicians via web-cam, phone, or secure e-mail. Immediate access available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Being healthy should be a natural right that everyone is entitled to. Lack of access and information or financial limitations should never be allowed to further fuel the fear and uncertainty that prevents one from achieving their highest levels of health.
WebDocsNetwork was created to make life easier, better, and most importantly, healthier. To re-distribute healthcare and improve quality and access for everyone. Our vision and mission is to provide people from all over the globe, access to U.S.
licensed, board-certified physicians. Healthcare when you need it, where you need it. We provide individuals unlimited real-time, immediate interaction with a national network of physicians via web-cam. phone or secure e-mail. Access 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.

Affiliate Program
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Keith Berggren
Tel: 773-758-0007