Advertising Week
by:Bradley Johnson.
Marketing Proofs
by: Keith Quesenberry
Bloomberg Business Week
by: Brian Womack
This Week's Home/Small Business Online News
Site Pro News
10 Must Read Books for Business Owners
by+ Tina Courtney-Brown
Almost all of us have found deep inspiration for how to run our businesses deep inside the pages of a stellar book. But almost none of us have time to find the next great business opus.
Team building and corporate events company TravelOutThere recently took on the laborious task of identifying the top 10 books targeting small business owners, and the results are truly inspiring. Each of these books targets an integral aspect of running a business in today’s dynamic world, and they represent the true must-reads for this generation of business leaders. Some are modern classics, others are new literary forces. If you read nothing else this year, queue up these winners
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SmartBlog on Leadership
Learn to tell a good story
by:+John Baldoni
All of us love a good story. So my advice to leaders is to make good use of them.
Good stories can do three things: inform, involve and inspire. Good stories give use hope in times of trouble.
A leader picks the right story at the right time to drive her point home, leaving no doubt about the importance of an initiative and its effect on the organization. It’s up to a leader to use stories to dramatize urgency and humanize events — so that listeners become followers.
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The New Yorker
We live in the age of the startup. It’s never been easier to build a product and start a company. And, thanks to the boom in angel investing and crowdfunding, it’s never been easier for startups to raise money. The analytics firm CB Insights logged more than seventeen hundred seed-investment deals in the U.S. tech industry in 2012, more than three times the number from three years earlier. But there’s a catch: starting a company may be easier, but making it a success isn’t. Competition is fierce, profits are scarce, and venture capitalists aren’t generous when it comes to later stages of funding.
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Small Business Trends
How to Strengthen Your Social Media Content Marketing Strategy
by:+William Johnson
Setting up a Twitter account or a Facebook page is not a difficult task. However, fostering authentic conversation with a community through those networks without the right social media content marketing strategy – is not.
Content runs the social Web. It is what gives your brand something to talk about with your customers, current and prospective. The evolution of content marketing has opened more avenues to reach your targeted audience. They can read or view your content through RSS feed, blogs, infographics, videos, and other forms of digital content.
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Welcome to Karatbars
Karatbars International GmbH specializes in the sale of small 999.9 pure gold bars and gift items. We offer unique product lines, including specialty collector’s items that celebrate special moments such as the Birth of a baby, Weddings, Easter, Christmas and Birthdays. Karatbars has steadily expanded its product line by using the highest standards in the industry for gold production. Karatbars also offers a line of limited edition or privately branded collector gold cards. Collector cards, especially rare limited edition cards, will often appreciate over the market value of gold.
This Week's Healthcare Online News
23 ABC News
Patients skipping waiting room in favor of visiting doctor online
by+Liz Freeman
The prevalence of telemedicine interaction between medical providers, or between doctors and patients in remote settings, is expected to move into the mainstream. It could include using Skype or some other video system between doctors and patients for a new generation of house calls.
"Most office visits don't need to be face to face," said Dr. Allen Weiss, president and chief executive officer of the NCH Healthcare System in Florida. "Instead of someone running for an office visit, a quick electronic visit can take less time."
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Half who now buy own health coverage to get aid, study finds
by:+Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar
About half the people who now buy their own health insurance—and potentially would face higher premiums next year under President Barack Obama's healthcare law—would qualify for federal tax credits to offset rate shock, according to a new private study.Many other people, however, earn too much money to be eligible for help, and could end up paying more
The estimate, released Wednesday by the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation, tries to answer one of the biggest remaining questions about the impact of Obama's law on American families: Will consumers wince — or even balk — when they see the premiums for the new plans?
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Med City News
Counting sheep doesn’t cut it any more: 1 in 3 Americans not getting a full night’s rest
By:+ Shah, Allie
Most nights, Thomas Copenhaver finds himself sleepless in Richfield. So, he used a sleep-monitoring device to find out how bad it was: While he was in bed for six hours and 42 minutes one night, he woke up 14 times, and slept only two hours and 46 minutes.
"It's kind of like the night before a vacation -- you don't sleep because you worry that you'll oversleep and miss your flight," he said. "That's just me in a nutshell every day."
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New York Times
A Limit on Consumer Costs Is Delayed in Health Care Law
WASHINGTON — In another setback for President Obama’s health care initiative, the administration has delayed until 2015 a significant consumer protection in the law that limits how much people may have to spend on their own health care. The limit on out-of-pocket costs, including deductibles and co-payments, was not supposed to exceed $6,350 for an individual and $12,700 for a family. But under a little-noticed ruling, federal officials have granted a one-year grace period to some insurers, allowing them to set higher limits, or no limit at all on some costs, in 2014.
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Do You Remember When Doctors Made House calls?
Do you remember When you could talk to a doctor Day or Night? There was a time when talking to your doctor was as simple as picking up the phone. Back then your doctor who talk to you about your minor problems and prescribe treatment without a visit to the office. That was then but now even minor problems requires and office visit and a long wait that drives up Your healthcare cost. There must be a better WAY? Well There is, I'd like to take a minute and introduce you to We believe being healthy should be a natural right that everyone is entitled to, and now, access to physicians is only a mouse click away.
We provide our members unlimited real time, immediate interaction with a national network of physicians via web cam, phone or secure email, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Our physicians can consult, diagnose, treat, write prescriptions, and order labs for non-emergency medical conditions. In addition to immediate access to health professionals, we provide a financial opportunity that is truly life changing for our members. We have created the most lucrative and generous compensation plan in the industry. "Refer 3 and Yours is FREE" zero cost profitable business. YOU WILL BE PROFITABLE FROM MONTH ONE...!!! Watch this WebDocsNetwork 4 Minute Overview Video |
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Keith Berggren
Tel: 773-758-0007
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This Week's Healthcare Online News
Health Data Management
Giving Patients a Role in Data Exchange
by+ Joseph Goedert
The pilot, being done under the umbrella of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, is designed to add transparency to the process of exchanging patient data. Providers have repositories within their electronic health records systems that can include signed patient consent directives for the use of their information, and the directives can be reviewed to determine what information to send. But these are closed information systems and patients usually do not know who has requested their information, what was sent and what was seen.
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Fierce Health IT
Study: Research methods for home telemonitoring lack quality
by:+Susan B. Hall
Despite the promise of remote patient monitoring to cut healthcare costs and improve patient care, the research methods behind those claims are called into question in a study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research this week.
The researchers looked at systematic reviews and meta-analyses of home telemonitoring of patients with chronic conditions between 1966 and 2012. They focused on 24 reviews, nine of which were meta-analyses. Most such studies over the years deal with remote monitoring for patients with chronic heart failure, but in recent years, monitoring has grown more prevalent for other conditions, as well, such as diabetes, hypertension and asthma
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Med City News
Funny or Die plans to find the humor in Obamacare to reach young, healthy Americans
By:+Rampton, Roberta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - What's so funny about President Barack Obama's healthcare reform law?
A website known for viral comedy videos popular with Americans under 30 - Funny or Die - has a few ideas and is enlisting celebrities to make something that catches the attention of a key demographic the White House needs to sign up for Obamacare.
"I think you can kind of have fun with some of the misinformation that's out there," said Mike Farah, president of production for Funny or Die.
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Physicians Practice
What May be to Blame When Medical Practice Staff Lacks Initiative
by:+Carol Stryker
Physicians often complain that staff shows no initiative and is operationally passive: "They won't do anything without specific instructions, every time." Office productivity and morale benefit from understanding a likely cause of this behavior that many physicians encounter.
Learned helplessness occurs when a person repeatedly encounters a negative event he can neither influence nor avoid. He will eventually learn that he is powerless in the situation and stop wasting energy trying to avoid the discomfort. Passivity is the conditioned response.
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Affiliate Program
How would you like to save money on you and your family's Doctor's visit while helping other and make extra income. Then become a Web Docs Network Affiliate.
As an affiliate once you sign up three people your services are FREE
Keith Berggren
Tel: 773-758-0007
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