This Week's Healthcare Online News
Med City News
Republicans: Sebelius needs to stop dialing for dollars to support exchanges
by+Morgan, David
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An Obama administration effort to raise private donations to help implement President Barack Obama's healthcare reform law came under fire on Monday from congressional Republicans who claim the action could violate the law.
As the Republican-controlled House of Representatives prepared to mount a new vote this week to try to repeal the law, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton asked the administration to identify the companies and organizations that have received fundraising calls from Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
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Fierce Health IT
New online tool tracks doc prescribing habits
by:+Susan D. Hall
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has been lax in overseeing unsafe prescribing patterns for patients on Medicaid Part D, and has done little to thwart questionable prescribing practices, according to an analysis by ProPublica, an independent newsroom that performs investigative journalism in the public interest.
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Patient Safety Experts Say Docs Should Be Tested for Drugs, Alcohol
To improve patient safety, hospitals should randomly test physicians for drug and alcohol use in much the same way other major industries in the United States do to protect their customers. The recommendation comes from two Johns Hopkins physicians and patient safety experts in a commentary published online in The Journal of the American Medical Association.
In addition, the experts say, medical institutions should take a cue from other high-risk industries, like airlines, railways and nuclear power plants, and mandate that doctors be tested for drug or alcohol impairment immediately following an unexpected patient death or other significant event.
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The Fiscal Times
Why the IRS Scandal Could Bring Down Obamacare
The Internal Revenue Service’s scandalous targeting of Tea Party-themed and other conservative groups could severely damage President Obama – but it’s not necessarily because anyone close to the White House sanctioned the allegedly independent actions by the tax collection agency. In fact, the president was quick on Monday to condemn the actions exposed in an inspector general's report being released later this week.
The real fallout could be that it will impede Obamacare, which passed in 2010 under the official title of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
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