Monday, October 13, 2014

Featured Report: Comparing on Mobile a Challenge for Retailers This Holiday Season

Wireless Week

Survey: Comparing on Mobile a Challenge for Retailers This Holiday Season
by: Andrew Berg
The jack-o-lanterns have not yet been lit, but already the forecasts for mobile shopping are putting a fright into brick-and-pmortar retailers.  According to a new survey from Accenture, fully 37 percent of the 500 respondents said they plan to shop online during that period using a desktop, mobile device or tablet. That's up from 32 percent in 2013. Read More

Wall Street Journal

Smile! Marketing Firms Are Mining Your Selfies

Most users of popular photo-sharing sites like Instagram, Flickr and Pinterest know that anyone can view their vacation pictures if shared publicly. But they may be surprised to learn that a new crop of digital marketing companies are searching, scanning, storing and repurposing these images to draw insights for big-brand advertisers. Some companies, such as Ditto Labs Inc., use software to scan photos—the image of someone holding a Coca-Cola can, for example—to identify logos, whether the person in the image is smiling, and the scene’s context. The data allow marketers to send targeted ads or conduct market research.Read More

Media  Post

YouTube App Gains Even Without Critical Acclaim
by: Mark Walsh,
YouTube is moving into the mobile spotlight. The latest comScore figures  for mobile apps released Tuesday show that the video hub in August had 55% reach among U.S. smartphone users -- second only to Facebook, at 72.4%. YouTube’s share of reach is up from about 48% six months ago, highlighting the growing audience for video on smartphones.Nielsen estimates the U.S. mobile video audience at nearly 115 million in the second quarter, up 18% from a year ago. Time spent per month is still minimal compared to TV and the PC at one hour -- 41 minutes -- but that’s up about 30% from a year earlier. Read More

Social Media Examiner

How to Increase Your Conversion Rate With Social Media

Oct,13,2014by: Neil Patel
Do you need to bump up your conversion rate? Have you put social media front and center to help you do that? The underlying power of increasing your conversion rate is targeting the right kind of traffic. Where does the right kind of traffic come from? It comes from social.In this article you’ll discover three ways you can use social media to enhance your conversion rate.  Read More

KaratBars International

Attention Fund-raisers

Have you tried to raise funds for your church, school, or volunteer group using the traditional fundraising methods like, bake sales, car washes, or selling products like healthcare supplements that requires you to sign up more and more members just to selling products that many of them don't want. 

If the answer to this question is YES! Then what if I told you 
that Your group can now raise funds for your group while creating 
a saving plan that will help all of your members. Best of all you 
don't have to selling anything. I know that this might sound like 
other plans but this one is truly different WHY? In one word GOLD. 
that's right gold. We will show your Non-profit group how to 
acquire gold at a price that all of your members can afford. 

How? By becoming a members of KaratBars the only gold saving system that allows their members to by gold in grams not ounces making acquiring gold affordable to all your members. Best of all gold is the one currency that never goes down and that can be used all over the world. This makes Karatbars one of the ways for your 
Non-profit group raise funds without having to buy another 
product again. To learn more about how Karatbars can help your 
Non-profit group please watch this video then visit our website 
and get back to the person who send you this information to get 
your group started raising funds with KaratBars

Friday, October 10, 2014

Featured Report: European Union grapples with telemedicine challenges, too


Survey: Mental health clinicians don’t use much software, but demand is high for apps
by: Jonah Comstock 
Seventy-three percent of mental health clinicians in the United States said they would find a mobile app useful in their practice, according to a survey of 401 mental health professionals conducted this summer by Sigma Research Group, sponsored by mental health startup SelfEcho. Specifically, the 73 percent said that an app that collects and aggregates data on clients between visits would be useful for tracking their client’s progress, and 59 percent said such an app would be useful for treatment planning Read More

Med City News

European Union grapples with telemedicine challenges, too
by: Stephanie Baum
Despite being separated by a big body of water and quite a few language barriers, there are few shared struggles in healthcare between the US and Europe. An Economist article highlighting the rise of telemedicine in the European Union calls attention to the issue of reimbursement and implementation in its member countries. Read More

Fierce Health IT
HIT groups applaud CMS telemedicine expansion proposal
by: Dan Bowman
Expansion to telemedicine coverage for Medicare beneficiaries recommended by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in its proposed update to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule for 2015generally was praised in comments recently submitted by industry stakeholders, including the American Telemedicine Association (ATA) and the American Hospital Association (AHA). Read More


Study: 8 percent of health system’s patients portal messaged MDs at least once in 2010
by: Aditi Pai
Almost 37 percent of patients enrolled in a large academic health system’s patient portal sent at least one message to a physician in 2010, according to a study of 49,778 patients who enrolled in the patient portal between 2001 and 2010. The 37 percent of patients who sent at least one message to a physician made up 8.4 percent of all patients in the health system at the time.   Read More 


Do you Know What Telehealth Can Do For You?
The Affordable Care Act know as Obamacare is here and there will be many changes on how you can get healthcare. One of those changes will be how you will get healthcare from your doctor. Now you can go online for a doctor's and get everything from a diagnosis to your medication all without leaving your home. It's call tele-medicine but is it as good as an in person visit? The answer is Yes!! Studies done by iHealthbeat in 2012 70% of patients received the same or better healthcare online as they did with an in person visit. But the surprising fact about this report is cost. The average cost of an in person doctor's visit range from $75.00 to $195.00 per visit. While an online visit cost $35.00 to $50.00 per visit.

That being said I want to introduce you to WebDocs Network. At Web Docs Network we have a group of top Doctors that can see you 24/7 365 days a year. Where you can get a diagnosis from our doctors that can be used anywhere even with your primary care doctor or your insurance company all it the cost of less that $35.00 a visit Only $19.95 per month . So if you want to lower your healthcare cost for you and your family visit our website at and see how much Web Docs Network can save you.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Featured Report: 25 Buzzwords Every Social Media Marketer Should Know

Social Media Examiner

How to Use Google+ Hashtags for More Exposure
by: Ann Smarty
Do you want to reach more people on Google+? Are you using Google+ hashtags? Google+ hashtags make it easier for people to discover your content, even if they’re outside your circles. That added visibility gives you greater overall reach. In this article you’ll discover how to find hashtags to reach the right people on Google+.  Read More

Convince and Convert

10 Proven Ways to Get People to Come to Your Online Event

In my post yesterday, I talked about how virtual conferences are the dipping dots of marketing—marketing of the future and my current favorite outreach marketing tactic. If you missed this little run down you can check it out here. Online events, whether they are in the form of a conference, a webinar, or a Twitter chat are great ways to position any brand as a thought leader in a niche and acquire new followers and/or leads.  Read More

Buffer Social

The data behind engaging your team with social media
by: David Hassell
You don’t need to ask IT whether your coworkers are on social media during the workday. It’s like asking if they are breathing. And that can be a great thing. Studies have shown that employees can post, tweet, and pin and still perform at peak levels—maybe even more productively than their less plugged-in counterparts. Instead of instilling policies to try to prevent team members from using social media at work, more and more companies are incorporating their employees’ social media enthusiasm into their marketing. Read More

WIX Blog

25 Buzzwords Every Social Media Marketer Should Know
by: Staff
The rise of social networks in our web culture created numerous opportunities for online marketers. It is now inconceivable to successfully promote any sort of message – be it a product, an artwork or a non-profit project – without utilizing social media’s powerful way to engage the crowd. Just like the industry of social media, social marketing is a dynamic field that is constantly evolving. If you don’t stay updated regularly, you might easily find yourself left out of the conversation. As a public service for social media enthusiasts and professionals, we collected a list of 25 terms that are essential for understanding the current trends in the world of social. Off we go: Read More

KaratBars International

Attention Fund-raisers

Have you tried to raise funds for your church, school, or volunteer group using the traditional fundraising methods like, bake sales, car washes, or selling products like healthcare supplements that requires you to sign up more and more members just to selling products that many of them don't want. 

If the answer to this question is YES! Then what if I told you 
that Your group can now raise funds for your group while creating 
a saving plan that will help all of your members. Best of all you 
don't have to selling anything. I know that this might sound like 
other plans but this one is truly different WHY? In one word GOLD. 
that's right gold. We will show your Non-profit group how to 
acquire gold at a price that all of your members can afford. 

How? By becoming a members of KaratBars the only gold saving system that allows their members to by gold in grams not ounces making acquiring gold affordable to all your members. Best of all gold is the one currency that never goes down and that can be used all over the world. This makes Karatbars one of the ways for your 
Non-profit group raise funds without having to buy another 
product again. To learn more about how Karatbars can help your 
Non-profit group please watch this video then visit our website 
and get back to the person who send you this information to get 
your group started raising funds with KaratBars

Monday, October 6, 2014

Featured Report: Internet Marketing: A Small Business Guide

Ad Week

Are Tablets Just as 'Mobile' as Smartphones?
by:  Christopher Heine
Nearly three years ago, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg proclaimed that the "iPad's not mobile....It's a computer. That's a different thing." Since then, Apple's iPad and competitors such as the Amazon Kindle, Samsung Galaxy Tab and Microsoft Surface have sold millions of units while making the experience of seeing a tablet in public routine.
So, are tablets "mobile," or are they more akin to laptops, as Zuckerberg implied? Around the ad industry, opinions vary even years later, and sentiments are strong. Marketers like their terminology to be clearly defined, indeed, and many think smartphones and tablets are too different to lump together—which researchers do more often than not.  Read More

Business News Daily

Internet Marketing: A Small Business Guide
by:Chad Brooks
One of the easiest, fastest and cheapest ways for businesses to reach consumers today is via the Internet. Digital marketing, also known as Internet or online marketing, is quickly replacing print, television and radio advertisement as the marketing approach of choice for businesses of all sizes. Recent research revealed that 1 in 4 of every business-advertising dollar is dedicated to Internet marketing. "Online marketing is ensuring potential customers find your business — your brand and messaging — everywhere online," said Trevor Sumner, co-founder of the local marketing firm LocalVox . "With today’s connected consumer, your business must be found everywhere consumers are looking."  Read More


Social Media Marketing ROI – The Business Value of Friends, Followers and Connections
What is the ROI of social media digital marketing? The author performed extensive research on the topic to provide recommendations for CIOs and IT organizations on how to get involved with their companies' social media and digital marketing initiatives.  More than 95 percent of companies currently use social media marketing. Is there a financial benefit? I performed extensive research – including a review of over 100 articles, blogs, white papers, and e-books – to answer the question.  Read More 


7 Popular Content Marketing Myths You Need to Stop Following
As content marketing gets more popular, people are coming up with their own notions of what everyone should be doing. A lot of these notions are myths, and if you keep following them, you will hurt your traffic. What are the 7 myths you should be avoiding? In this post, not only will I break each one down, but I’ll also tell you what you should be doing instead. Read More 

KaratBars International

Attention Fund-raisers

Have you tried to raise funds for your church, school, or volunteer group using the traditional fundraising methods like, bake sales, car washes, or selling products like healthcare supplements that requires you to sign up more and more members just to selling products that many of them don't want. 

If the answer to this question is YES! Then what if I told you 
that Your group can now raise funds for your group while creating 
a saving plan that will help all of your members. Best of all you 
don't have to selling anything. I know that this might sound like 
other plans but this one is truly different WHY? In one word GOLD. 
that's right gold. We will show your Non-profit group how to 
acquire gold at a price that all of your members can afford. 

How? By becoming a members of KaratBars the only gold saving system that allows their members to by gold in grams not ounces making acquiring gold affordable to all your members. Best of all gold is the one currency that never goes down and that can be used all over the world. This makes Karatbars one of the ways for your 
Non-profit group raise funds without having to buy another 
product again. To learn more about how Karatbars can help your 
Non-profit group please watch this video then visit our website 
and get back to the person who send you this information to get 
your group started raising funds with KaratBars

Friday, October 3, 2014

Featured Report:Facebook plots first steps into healthcare


Exclusive: Facebook plots first steps into healthcare
(Reuters) - Facebook Inc (FB.O) already knows who your friends are and the kind of things that grab your attention. Soon, it could also know the state of your health.
On the heels of fellow Silicon Valley technology companies Apple Inc (AAPL.O) and Google Inc (GOOGL.O), Facebook is plotting its first steps into the fertile field of healthcare, said three people familiar with the matter. The people requested anonymity as the plans are still in development.
The company is exploring creating online "support communities" that would connect Facebook users suffering from various ailments. A small team is also considering new "preventative care" applications that would help people improve their lifestyles. Read More

Clinical Innovation and Technology

ATA works Capitol Hill to increase telemedicine coverage
by: Laura Pedulli
The American Telemedicine Association is actively pursuing reforms on Capitol Hill to expand Medicare coverage of telemedicine.  In partnership with 12 other organizations, the association recently sent a letter to the House Energy and Commerce Committee rallying legislators to increase telehealth coverage, said Gary Capistrant, senior director of public policy at the ATA, during the association’s monthly webcast on Sept. 30.  Read More

Fierce Health IT

Geisinger finds telemedicine cuts readmissions, costs for heart failure patients
by: Susan D. Hall
Heart failure patients participating in a Geisinger Health Plan telemonitoring program were significantly less likely to be readmitted to the hospital, according to a study to be published in the December issue of Population Health Management. The researchers calculated the program saved $3.30 for each dollar spent to implement the program. There were 541 participants in the study, which incorporated Bluetooth scales with an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) solution to assess weight changes and ask specific questions about their symptoms. The questions, including about shortness of breath, swelling, appetite and prescription medication management, were designed to detect indicators of worsening conditions.  Read More

Med City News

Twitter debate: Which is better – patient portals or calling the nurse?
During the Reaching the Unreachables panel Tuesday at ENGAGE, Dr. Steve North described thechallenges of working in a rural setting – specifically Spruce Pine, North Carolina. Spruce Pine is in western tip of the state squeezed between the Pisgah National Forest and the Cherokee National Forest in the Great Smoky Mountains. “I have an Internet connection that doesn’t meet FCC requirements, so I can’t stream Netflix at my house but my kids can play Minecraft, so that’s good,” he said. “I can get four bars on my phone if I walk to the end of my driveway.”  Read More

KaratBars International

Attention Fund-raisers

Have you tried to raise funds for your church, school, or volunteer group using the traditional fundraising methods like, bake sales, car washes, or selling products like healthcare supplements that requires you to sign up more and more members just to selling products that many of them don't want. 

If the answer to this question is YES! Then what if I told you 
that Your group can now raise funds for your group while creating 
a saving plan that will help all of your members. Best of all you 
don't have to selling anything. I know that this might sound like 
other plans but this one is truly different WHY? In one word GOLD. 
that's right gold. We will show your Non-profit group how to 
acquire gold at a price that all of your members can afford. 

How? By becoming a members of KaratBars the only gold saving system that allows their members to by gold in grams not ounces making acquiring gold affordable to all your members. Best of all gold is the one currency that never goes down and that can be used all over the world. This makes Karatbars one of the ways for your 
Non-profit group raise funds without having to buy another 
product again. To learn more about how Karatbars can help your 
Non-profit group please watch this video then visit our website 
and get back to the person who send you this information to get 
your group started raising funds with KaratBars

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Featured Report: The One Question Successful Business Owners Always Ask Themselves

The Future of Commerce

Brands need to stop advertising and start storytelling
by: Rich Taylor
Advertising has helped many brands become category leaders. Brands such as Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Kellogg’s, General Motors, Microsoft and more have produced ad campaigns that have made their products household favorites.So what could be wrong with following proven advertising techniques such as theirs? Plenty.More than ever before, people are tuning out advertising campaigns. The traditional approach to “telling is selling” and using creative techniques to grab consumer attention really don’t work anymore.  Read More

Small Biz Club

Social Customer Service Equals Positive Experiences
by: Shep Hyken
I recently had the privilege of working with an amazing, customer-focused operation. Hy-Vee, a Midwest grocery store chain, impressed me, as I'm sure they impress their customers, with their amazing service delivered by dedicated employees I met one of Hy-Vee's executive vice presidents after my speech to the store directors, and he proudly told me a story about how the company uses social media to take care of its customers. Their ideas and experience with social media are a good example of how any company can use technology to deliver customer service.  Read More

Smart Blog on Social Media

How to become a thought leader in your industry

Sept, 30,2014
by: Lee Frederiksen 
Have you ever sat through a keynote address or read a book from a thought leader in your industry and wondered how they achieved their status? If so, you aren’t alone. In fact, we found ourselves asking this question so frequently that we decided to conduct extensive research on the topic. We wondered: What makes these experts so appealing to buyers? How did they rise to their level of fame? What types of benefits are they bringing to their firm?  Read More


The One Question Successful Business Owners Always Ask Themselves

by: Gene Marks
I run a 10-person company and it’s profitable. Don’t get the wrong impression. I'm not making millions, but the company does well enough to provide for my people and my family. It wasn’t always this way, though.For the first five or six years of my business, I barely made a living. It wasn’t for lack of work. I was really busy. But my business wasn’t growing. It wasn’t successful. I looked at some of my clients who were successful and I asked myself why. I asked them questions. The answer, most of them told me, was that I was asking the wrong questions.  Read More

KaratBars International

Attention Fund-raisers

Have you tried to raise funds for your church, school, or volunteer group using the traditional fundraising methods like, bake sales, car washes, or selling products like healthcare supplements that requires you to sign up more and more members just to selling products that many of them don't want. 

If the answer to this question is YES! Then what if I told you 
that Your group can now raise funds for your group while creating 
a saving plan that will help all of your members. Best of all you 
don't have to selling anything. I know that this might sound like 
other plans but this one is truly different WHY? In one word GOLD. 
that's right gold. We will show your Non-profit group how to 
acquire gold at a price that all of your members can afford. 

How? By becoming a members of KaratBars the only gold saving system that allows their members to by gold in grams not ounces making acquiring gold affordable to all your members. Best of all gold is the one currency that never goes down and that can be used all over the world. This makes Karatbars one of the ways for your 
Non-profit group raise funds without having to buy another 
product again. To learn more about how Karatbars can help your 
Non-profit group please watch this video then visit our website 
and get back to the person who send you this information to get 
your group started raising funds with KaratBars

Monday, September 29, 2014

Featured Report: Social Media Holiday Marketing Trends for 2014

Marketing Sherpa Blog

Lead Generation: How to build your own list
by: David Kirkpatrick
Last week’s MarketingSherpa B2B Newsletter case study — “Lead Generation: Content and email combine for high-quality list building” — covered an effort by cloud replication and disaster recovery startup company, CloudEndure. The overall basis of the campaign was a process created by CloudEndure’s Vice President of Marketing, Ramel Levin, before he joined the startup. This process Ramel called BYOL, or “build your own list.”The case study features some of the steps involved in Ramel’s lead gen idea, but since he developed it for a company he worked for before joining CloudEndure, the exact steps he took in putting the process together were not part of the case study.  Read More

Dex Media
Social Media Holiday Marketing Trends for 2014 [Infographic]
It’s true, the 2014 holiday marketing season is already here! The majority of businesses are probably already in full swing planning out holiday campaigns and sales. And social media has become an important tool for businesses and brands for driving sales and extending reach. Our friends at Offerpop put together this great infographic that details the social media aspect of holiday marketing, here are some standout stats Read More


5 Unique Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic

by: Zach Radford.
Today, you don’t gain blog traffic by paying for backlinks or by swapping them like the old days. Instead, you need to focus on creating quality content that is beneficial to your visitors. We know that. But how do you do it? And do it consistently? The content should solve main problems faced by your reader. It should be actionable, specific and relevant to the audience. If you do this, your audience will come to trust your site, and visit it regularly looking for new content. They will also engage with you, which helps you to improve your blog. To that end, here are five new ways of looking at increasing your blog traffic. Read More


Understanding the Life Cycle of Social Media
by: Michael Cohn
Just like anything else in life, social media has a definite life cycle. That life cycle has several critical elements and one feeds off of the other. It goes around and when the life cycle has reached its end, it starts all over again. Your responsibility is to understand how it works and to maintain the momentum indefinitely. Read More  

KaratBars International

Attention Fund-raisers

Have you tried to raise funds for your church, school, or volunteer group using the traditional fundraising methods like, bake sales, car washes, or selling products like healthcare supplements that requires you to sign up more and more members just to selling products that many of them don't want. 

If the answer to this question is YES! Then what if I told you 
that Your group can now raise funds for your group while creating 
a saving plan that will help all of your members. Best of all you 
don't have to selling anything. I know that this might sound like 
other plans but this one is truly different WHY? In one word GOLD. 
that's right gold. We will show your Non-profit group how to 
acquire gold at a price that all of your members can afford. 

How? By becoming a members of KaratBars the only gold saving system that allows their members to by gold in grams not ounces making acquiring gold affordable to all your members. Best of all gold is the one currency that never goes down and that can be used all over the world. This makes Karatbars one of the ways for your 
Non-profit group raise funds without having to buy another 
product again. To learn more about how Karatbars can help your 
Non-profit group please watch this video then visit our website 
and get back to the person who send you this information to get 
your group started raising funds with KaratBars!fund-raising-with-karatbars/c1vwy