Welcome to our Home Based-Business Blog
Every Friday Berggren Marketing will be featuring article about small and Home-Based Business to help start or grow your business. Plus feature a business that is looking for Entrepreneurs to become affiliates for their product or service.
by:+Slava Menn
An entrepreneurial MBA program is the best start-up training
Between ages 18 and 28, I’ve applied to MIT four times and have been accepted once. Yet, in my very first week at MIT Sloan in September of 2009, a 29-year-old guest speaker brought my lifelong dream into question. Aaron Patzer told a packed auditorium of start-up-loving MBAs about the two-year journey that lead to Intuit’s $170 million dollar acquisition of his baby, Mint.com. In two years, I would be $170,000 in debt. I asked myself, “Do I really need a MBA to launch a successful startup?”
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How to Create a Successful Facebook Business With These Essential Tools
by:+Heather Koenig
Facebook offers a multitude of tools that will help your business excel such as Social Ads, Pages, Beacon, Insights, Platform, and Polls. These tools are there to help you in building your brand on your Facebook Page while attracting visitors and future clients.
It’s wise to start by learning all about these tools. This will save you a lot of time in the long run. In the following section you’ll learn how this all ties together which will show you how essential these tools are in running a successful Facebook business. You can learn all about these tools by going to the business section at Facebook.com.
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Basic Accounting Help.com
Tips on Managing your Biz Receipts
I put keeping track of my business receipts... in the same category as a trip to the dentist. However, I do realize the importance of good business records management, especially come tax time.Case in point...a couple received every small business owner’s worst nightmare...an audit letter from the government. To make matters worse, they couldn't find all of their business receipts and some that they could find...they couldn't explain what they were for.The IRS’s response, ”We don’t care if your cat ate your receipts...without them...you cannot take the deductions and you now owe us money...lots of money”. Here are some business records management tips for you to keep in mind, so you will not ever find yourself in that same predicament
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The Real Reason Your Marketing Doesn't Work
By+James Archer
When people talk about their company's target audience, you typically hear things like "individuals between the ages of 13 and 25 who enjoy playing video games and have a mobile phone," or "active consumers between the ages of 25 and 45 who like to hike and rock climb" or "procurement officers at Fortune 1000 companies."
These descriptions all follow the traditional format taught in marketing classes around the world, and, sadly, they're all nearly worthless because they provide almost no relevant information for making strategic decisions. Every year, countless executives and marketing directors dutifully write up plans with these kinds of empty descriptions of their target audiences. And every year, these same companies fumble around trying to figure out why they're not clicking with their customers.
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Being healthy should be a natural right that everyone is entitled to. Lack of access and information or financial limitations should never be allowed to further fuel the fear and uncertainty that prevents one from achieving their highest levels of health.
WebDocsNetwork was created to make life easier, better, and most importantly, healthier. To re-distribute healthcare and improve quality and access for everyone. Our vision and mission is to provide people from all over the globe, access to U.S. licensed, board-certified physicians.
Healthcare when you need it, where you need it. We provide individuals unlimited real-time, immediate interaction with a national network of physicians via web-cam. phone or secure e-mail. Access 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.
Referral Opportunity
Are you looking for a way to get great healthcare and create a great home based business. Then refer three of your friend and your Web Docs monthly fee is FREE.
For more information contact Keith Berggren
at http://www.webdocsnetwork.com/chicago
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