This Week's Healthcare Online News
Med City News
As Pinterest audience rises to 15% of Internet users, are healthcare and pharma presence growing too?
February 18, 2013
by Stephanie Baum
Pinterest has reached a milestone in its growth. According to a Pew Internet report, the percentage of Internet users that view and post images on the picture-led social network rivals Twitter (15 percent for Pinterest vs. Twitter’s 16 percent). But what are the implications for the healthcare industry? The number of hospitals that at the very least have a Pinterest account has certainly increased in the past year since the last time I took a serious look. There are 42 children’s hospitals alone. I counted 50 health systems. The Mayo Clinic and its affiliates have seven separate accounts. The Cleveland Clinic is up there too. And providers like Tufts Medical Center are making much greater use of video. On a board devoted to cancer, a physician in one video describes signs and symptoms of skin cancer, another board details various heart conditions, another provides warning signs of a stroke.
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Fierce Health IT
CHIME CEO: How health IT can save the economy
By:+Dan Bowman
Although increasing membership and bolstering public policy efforts are top of mind for newly named College of Healthcare Information Management Executives CEO Russell Branzell, he has loftier goals for the organization--and the health IT industry.
"We have a duty and an obligation to help transform healthcare through the application of HIT," Branzell (right) told FierceHealthIT in an exclusive interview.
"On an even more macro level, HIT, by saving healthcare, will be responsible for saving our national economy. That might sound grandiose, but I really think I need to take my role that seriously."
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Free online weight loss community SparkPeople improves outcomes in peer-reviewed study
by:+Jonah Comstock
A researcher at the University of Texas has published a study in the Journal of Medical Internet Research looking at efficacy of a free online weight loss program. The study looked at 1,258 randomly selected users of SparkPeople.com and found that those who entered their weight into the site at least four times per month lost an average of 11 pounds per month more than those that didn’t, and those who made at least one post on the site’s forum during the time they used the site lost over three pounds more than those that didn’t. (Correction: A previous version of this article misstated the weight entry as four times total, rather than per month.)
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Walmart, Sam's Club To Deploy 2,500 Self-Service Health Kiosks
Self-service kiosks that aim to boost consumer health are being deployed in thousands of stores across the U.S., Kasier Health News reports.
Kiosk Details
Next month, Walmart and Sam's Club are scheduled to debut 2,500 of the kiosks developed by Duluth, Ga.-based SoloHealth.
The kiosks will offer consumers access to various health tests, such as:
Blood pressure;
Eye sight;
The devices also can advise patients on:
Locating a doctor;
Pain management;
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