This Week's Healthcare Online News
Social Media Makes Inroads as a Health Care Delivery Tool
In an iHealthBeat audio report by Rachel Dornhelm, experts discussed the use of social media in health care delivery. While privacy concerns continue to persist, some stakeholders say they have seen progress in using social media tools to encourage behavior changes.
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Med City News
Hospitals step up to provide Obamacare outreach
by:+Jay Hancock
As community groups, brokers and insurers prepare to recruit members for medical plans that go on sale in October under the health law, nobody has a bigger financial stake in their success than hospitals.
And few may work harder to sign consumers up for the Obamacare insurance marketplaces than hospitals themselves
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Reform Update: Reports say ACA saves consumers billions, but cuts insurers' profits
By:+Beth Kutscher
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act saved consumers $1.7 billion on health insurance premiums last year, an HHS report found. Meanwhile, a separate study found that ACA provisions squeezed insurers' profits.
The HHS report cites two provisions directly affecting health plan premiums—a rate review for premium increases that top 10% and the medical-loss ratio standard that caps how much of premium revenue insurers can use for administration, marketing and profits.
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Fierce Health IT
Telemedicine bill would allow docs to practice across state lines
Medicare providers would be able to treat patients electronically across state lines without having to obtain multiple state medical licenses, according to new legislation proposed in the House this week.
The TELEmedicine for MEDicare (TELE-MED) Act (H.R. 3077) "updates the law to account for rapid technological advances in medicine," according to Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), who sponsored the bill. Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) co-sponsored the legislation.
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Do You Remember When Doctors Made House calls?
Do you remember When you could talk to a doctor Day or Night? There was a time when talking to your doctor was as simple as picking up the phone. Back then your doctor who talk to you about your minor problems and prescribe treatment without a visit to the office. That was then but now even minor problems requires and office visit and a long wait that drives up Your healthcare cost. There must be a better WAY? Well There is, I'd like to take a minute and introduce you to We believe being healthy should be a natural right that everyone is entitled to, and now, access to physicians is only a mouse click away.
We provide our members unlimited real time, immediate interaction with a national network of physicians via web cam, phone or secure email, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Our physicians can consult, diagnose, treat, write prescriptions, and order labs for non-emergency medical conditions. In addition to immediate access to health professionals, we provide a financial opportunity that is truly life changing for our members. We have created the most lucrative and generous compensation plan in the industry. "Refer 3 and Yours is FREE" zero cost profitable business. YOU WILL BE PROFITABLE FROM MONTH ONE...!!! Watch this WebDocsNetwork 4 Minute Overview Video |
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Keith Berggren
Tel: 773-758-0007
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