This Week's Healthcare Online News
41% of Americans Would Consider Physician Switch for EHR Access
Forty-one percent of U.S. consumers would consider changing health care providers to be able to access their electronic health records online, according to a new survey from Accenture, Becker's Hospital Review reports (Gregg, Becker's Hospital Review, 9/16).
Harris Interactive conducted the online survey for Accenture. In July, researchers polled 9,015 adults age 18 and older from nine countries, including about 1,000 U.S. residents (Monegain, Healthcare IT News, 9/16)
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The Metro West Daily News
Primary care without doctors?
by:+Lindsay Corcoran
Elizabeth D’Alesio has 10 new patients. She prescribes their medications, orders their labs, performs diagnostic testing and provides wellness advice.
But D’Alesio isn’t a doctor. She’s a nurse practitioner who, thanks to a law passed last year, was allowed to open her own practice in Hopedale to provide primary care services last month.
D’Alesio, who is certified in critical care, adult and women’s health, has been working as a nurse practitioner for more than 20 years and felt now was the time to strike out on her own and fill a need for local patients.
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Physicians Practice
Why Becoming a Group without Walls Might Improve Practice Income
By:+Greg Mertz
Big might be good in the current and future medical marketplace and a model that brings together multiple smaller practices might also be the answer. This model is often called a network practice or group without walls (GWW) but it basically is a number of small practices, typically in the same specialty, that trade under a common tax identification number but which allows significant autonomy to each location. This might sound complex but it really isn’t, but let’s first look at why it makes sense.
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Fierce Health IT
Google jumps back into healthcare space with Calico
by:+ Ashley Gold
Search on Google for the phrase "how to live longer" and soon you may have an answer from Google itself. The Mountain View, Calif.-based company recently announced plans to launch Calico, a new firm that will try to solve healthcare's problems and extend human life, according to Google co-founder and CEO, Larry Page, who made an official announcement about the initiative on his Google+ page on Sept. 18.
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Do You Remember When Doctors Made House calls?
Do you remember When you could talk to a doctor Day or Night? There was a time when talking to your doctor was as simple as picking up the phone. Back then your doctor who talk to you about your minor problems and prescribe treatment without a visit to the office. That was then but now even minor problems requires and office visit and a long wait that drives up Your healthcare cost. There must be a better WAY? Well There is, I'd like to take a minute and introduce you to We believe being healthy should be a natural right that everyone is entitled to, and now, access to physicians is only a mouse click away.
We provide our members unlimited real time, immediate interaction with a national network of physicians via web cam, phone or secure email, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Our physicians can consult, diagnose, treat, write prescriptions, and order labs for non-emergency medical conditions. In addition to immediate access to health professionals, we provide a financial opportunity that is truly life changing for our members. We have created the most lucrative and generous compensation plan in the industry. "Refer 3 and Yours is FREE" zero cost profitable business. YOU WILL BE PROFITABLE FROM MONTH ONE...!!! Watch this WebDocsNetwork 4 Minute Overview Video |
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Keith Berggren
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