This Week's Healthcare Online News
We’d all be better off with our health records on Facebook
by+Melissa McCormack
A Facebook user’s timeline provides both a snapshot of who that user is and a historical record of the user’s activity on Facebook. My Facebook timeline is about me, and fittingly, I control it. It’s also one, single profile. Anyone I allow to view my timeline views my timeline—they don’t each create their own copies of it.
Intuitive, right? So why don’t medical records work that way? There is no unified, single patient record—every doctor I’ve ever visited has his or her own separate copy of my records. And in an age where we can conduct banking transactions on my smartphone, many patients still can’t access or contribute to the medical records their doctors keep for them.
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Modern healthcare
2013 brought reform, gridlock, glitches and accountable care
by:+Harris Meyer
Healthcare reform moved from talking point to reality in 2013, but its messy rollout provided a new stage for the American public, elected officials and all sectors of the healthcare industry to confront head-on their deep divisions over its sweeping ramifications.
Nowhere did that confrontation play out with greater drama than in the nation's capital, where the continued political gridlock brought financial pain and uncertainty to healthcare providers. While the White House, the Republican-led House, and the Democratic-led Senate reached a budget compromise after a government shutdown and near-default on the national debt, they socked hospitals with continued budget sequestration cuts.
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Happy EMR Doctor
FCC highlights ONC Office for Consumer e-Health plans for 2014
by:+Dr. Michael West
One of the things I would like to get back in the habit of in the new year is to contribute more again to this blog, which I started in 2009 with help from John Lynn at Part of the challenge of keeping an ongoing stream of thoughts here has been both my busy life as an active provider of subspecialty healthcare, the growth of my practice as a business, and most importantly the emergence of new ideas for consideration and writing
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Mobile Health Gets Political
by:+ Zachary Landman, M.D.
The FDA’s recent release of its guidance on mobile medical applications met generally widespread support among those in industry and medical practice alike. With the clarification of regulatory guidelines, industry experts predicted a surge of new mobile applications and physicians welcomed better understanding of the role of their existing mobile devices.
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