This Week's Home/Small Business Online News
Social Media Examiner
29 Tools to Enhance Your Business Blog
by+Cindy King
Are you looking for cool blogging tools to enhance your business blog?
The right mix of blogging plugins and widgets can make it easier to blog and also help you achieve your business goals.
To help you keep up with the latest and greatest, we asked a group of blogging pros to share the favorite new tools they’ve recently discovered.
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Fox Small Business Center
4 Steps to Get it Right in Front of VC Investors
by:+Kate Rogers
To be an entrepreneur today, Alexis Ohanian said all you really need is a “laptop and an Internet connection.” And the Reddit co-founder should know, considering he conceived and brought to life a top 100 site, launched Breadpig and hipmunk, and now invests in more than 50 tech startups.
And good companies that are worthy of investor attention typically emerge before the venture capital community catches on, Ohanian said. In other words, the investors may give you power, but you should get started without them.
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Site Pro News
Demystifying Facebook’s New Features for Marketers
By:+Tina Courtney-Brown
No one ever accuses Facebook of being a static site – the plethora of major EdgeRank changes in the last twelve months is ample evidence. Recent updates have incited a cacophonous chorus of frustration, as many marketers report lower-than-average reach with the current tools and trends. As a result, businesses feel the social media giant has devalued the audience they worked so hard to build and maintain, and that advertising on Facebook is no longer such a windfall. The truth of the matter? Things are better than ever for marketers using Facebook – one simply has to be informed of the new tools available to them. Facebook has not lessened the impact of the audience you’ve built; they’ve simply provided some new ways of leveraging your reach. Their fatal flaw in the recent rollouts is simply a matter of communication, as marketers aren’t aware of all their new power.
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Small Business Newz
The Gap Between Social Media and Business Impact
by:+Brian Solis
In business, social media is becoming a lot like email. Every company has it. In an Altimeter Group survey of 700 executives and social strategists fielded in late 2012, we found that 100 percent of participating enterprise organizations run to varying extents an active social media strategy. But unlike email, organizations haven’t mastered how to effectively communicate through the likes of Facebook or the tweets of Twitter.
Over the last several years, businesses have increased the pace of adopting social media strategies for use in marketing, service and other related capacities. What’s becoming very clear however is that adopting social media and understanding its impact on customer and employee relationships and also the bottom line are not always linked. This disconnect between social media strategies and business value is forcing many executives to rethink their overall approach and the infrastructure they built to support it. The result of this reflective process is motivating organizations to transform everyday social media initiatives into deeper social business strategies.
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