This Week's Healthcare Online News
What Type of EHR Data Do U.S. Physicians Believe Patients Should Be Able To Update?
Seventy-nine percent of surveyed U.S. doctors say that patients should be able to update all demographic information in their electronic health record, according to a recent report from Accenture.
The report found that 16% of surveyed U.S. doctors say that patients should be able to update some demographic information in their EHR and 5% say that patients should not have the ability to update any demographic data.
Sixty-seven percent of surveyed U.S. doctors say that patients should be able to update all family history information in their EHR, while 21% say that patients should be able update some family history data and 12% say that patients should not have the ability to update any family history information.
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Fierce Health Payer
Less than 1% of premiums go toward quality improvement
by:+Dina Overland
Insurers spent less than 1 percent of premiums, amounting to only $29 per member, to improve healthcare quality in 2011 under the reform law's medical-loss ratio provision, according to a new study.
Based on MLRs, consumer rebates and quality improvement expenses, the Commonwealth Fund study determined insurers spent a total of $2.3 billion to directly improve quality. Of that amount, 17 percent went to health information technology, 51 percent to improving health outcomes, 13 percent to wellness, 10 percent to patient safety and 9 percent to preventing hospital readmissions.
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Med City News
From Florida to Minnesota to Colorado: Views of the Affordable Care Act at age 3
By:+Kaiser Health News
As the health law marks its third anniversary, much of the action surrounding its implementation has shifted to the states.
Hot topics include creation of health exchanges, the on-line marketplaces where consumers will be able to shop for insurance coverage, and the law’s Medicaid expansion, a key mechanism by which the overhaul will extend health care to millions of people who currently lack health insurance.
We checked in with reporters on the ground in Colorado, Florida and Minnesota to find out what they view as the most significant developments to happen in their states since the law’s passage and what future challenges they see ahead.
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Modern Healthcare.com
Cutting out the middleman Systems buying and developing insurance plans
by:+Melanie Evans
One of the nation's largest not-for-profit hospital operators is building its own insurance arm to sell health plans directly to employers.
Catholic Health Initiatives, which operates more than six dozen hospitals in 17 states, has hired a half-dozen former insurance executives and acquired the majority stake in a Washington insurer under a push to prepare for coming changes to hospital and physician reimbursement structures. The changes will increase providers' financial risk in ways that policymakers hope will create new incentives to eliminate waste and improve overall healthcare quality.
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