This Week's Healthcare Online News
Med City News
Who manages social media at hospitals? Survey says it’s still a part-time effort for most (infographic)
by:+Deanna Pogorelc
While as many as 90 percent of hospitals use social media, it’s still a part-time effort for most of them, according to a survey of small and large hospitals, and health systems in Ohio.
The Ohio Hospital Association and social media agency Mindset Digital conducted an email survey among OHA-member organizations last fall. Of the 84 hospitals that responded, only 15 percent said they had full-time personnel to manage their social media channels, and those tended to be large health systems. The Cleveland Clinic, for one, last year made some of its part-time social media staff full time. But most of the people doing this job at other hospitals are full-time employees with other duties. Six percent of hospitals said their social media manager was an intern and 4 percent said it was a part-time employee.
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Half of states have chosen benchmark insurance plan: report
Mar, 13,2013
by+ Jessica Zigmond
A little more than six months before open enrollment begins, 24 states and Washington, D.C., have chosen a benchmark plan that will determine what health insurers must cover in health plans sold in the state exchanges and individual and small-group markets, according to a new study from the Commonwealth Fund.
In the rest of the country, the snapshot suggests, the federal government will model the minimum benefits on the largest small-group plan sold in the state.
Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, individual and small-group plans must offer an “essential health benefits” package. The core set of benefits must cover 10 broad categories, such as emergency services, maternity and pediatric care, prescription drugs, and mental health and substance-abuse services. HHS issued a final rule in February on essential benefits for 2014 and 2015 and will revisit the provisions for the 2016 benefit year.
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Government Health IT
Patient engagement pilots find success, face challenges
by:+Anthony Brino
Expanding Americans’ access to their health information in digital form is one of the Office of the National Coordinator’s main goals, and last year, HIE cooperative programs in Georgia, Indiana, Montana and Nebraska began pilot projects aimed at finding successful patient engagement models.
In a report on the pilots, the ONC has found some success and potential for expansion and improvement, amid several legal, technical and financial challenges.
In southeastern Georgia, the HIE ChathamHealthLink developed Chatham Connect to bring personal health records to mostly low-income or uninsured patients served at two federally qualified health clinics and three Volunteers in Medicine clinics.
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Med City News
The mobile phone as the ultimate medical tool: Hacked iPhone saves lives in Africa
By:+John Koetsier
Scientists have hacked together a microscope out of an iPhone, a piece of glass, double-sided tape, and a cheap flashlight that is good enough to detect intestinal worm infections with 70 percent accuracy.
MacGyver, you’re out of a job.
According to a study published today in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, scientists used the hacked-together microscope to examine almost 200 stool samples taken from children in Pemba Island in Tanzania. Each glass slide with the sample was covered in cellophane, taped to the iPhone, and lit from behind with the flashlight. Then the researchers took a picture with the phone’s camera, and examined the image on the iPhone’s screen.
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