This Week's Healthcare Online News
Healthcare Info Security
Data Registry Gives Patients Control
by+Marianne Kolbasuk McGee
The health advocacy group Genetic Alliance on April 5 will unveil a registry designed to enable patients to control how health information is shared with researchers. Spokesman Greg Biggers discusses privacy measures.
"The idea is to provide a place for the individual to control everything about [their health] data," Biggers explains about the worldwide health and disease registry, known as Reg4All.
In managing the privacy of their health information, patients choose the settings for what researchers and others can and can't do with their data. Participants also can designate whether researchers can contact them to participate in clinical studies.
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Modern Healthcare.com
Although patients may not know it, ACOs are increasingly on their team, aiming to provide better care at lower costs
by:+Joe Carlson
It was the pain that woke him. Jack Fisher, 60, recently moved into his night-darkened living room to play a hand-held video game, using the animated characters to distract him from the throbbing in his toes and legs. But unlike in years past, he knew that in a few hours he would be able to call his case manager, who would then arrange an immediate visit to one of the half-dozen doctors who treat his diabetes, emphysema, heart disease and complex regional pain syndrome.
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Modern Healthcare A.M.
Some states can steer Medicaid funds to exchanges
By:+Gregg Blesch
The Obama administration is showing willingness to let some states steer new Medicaid funding to private coverage in the new individual insurance marketplaces in order meet the coverage goals of the healthcare reform law.
The CMS will consider granting a “limited number” of state waivers for demonstration that test what happens when states give Medicaid enrollees the option of taking a subsidy to buy a private plan, according to new guidance issued Friday.
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Med City News
One word, two meanings: Public health researchers push for clarity in talking about "population health" and ACOs
by:+Deanna Pogorelc
Are accountable care organizations truly improving population health? According to two public health and policy researchers in the March 20 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, that depends on whose definition of “population health” you use.
The well-known goals for ACOs are to control healthcare costs, improve quality in healthcare and improve population health, Dr. Lawrence Casalino and Dr. Douglas Noble from the Department of Public Health at Weill Cornell Medical College write in the article.
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