This Week's Home/Small Business Online News
Smartphones, Tablets Drive Faster Growth in Ecommerce Sales
by+ Staff
Mobile will take a greater percentage of total ecommerce retail sales
Mobile shopping—particularly on tablet devices—is having an outsize impact on the ecommerce world, contributing to an increasing share of US retail ecommerce sales and exerting more influence on overall retail sales, according to new estimates from eMarketer.
This year, 15% of online retail sales will take place via mobile devices, according to eMarketer, up from 11% in 2012. By 2017, the percentage will rise to 25%.
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Small Business Technology
Three Things Every Business Owner Should Be Thinking About!
by:+Ramon Ray
I recently had a call with Shashi Bellamkonda, VP of Digital Marketing at The Bozzuto Group. Shashi, who recently left Network Solutions after twenty years, talked with me about his previous role and what his new role will entail. He also shared three things that he focused on as he prepared to enter his new role – three things that he feels every business owner should be thinking about.
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New York Times: Small Business Day
Putting a Dollar Value on a Facebook Fan
As noted in Monday’s Dashboard summary of the week’s small-business news, a social media marketing firm, Syncapse, has published a report that says the average value of a Facebook fan is $174.17. Seeking further details about the calculation and its potential impact on a small-business owner’s social media investment, we reached out to the company’s chief executive, Michael Scissons, and had the following conversation, which has been edited and condensed.
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Small Business Newz
What Every Business Owner Needs To Know About Fear
by:+Jim Connolly
Fear is a major stumbling block for many business owners. It causes them to make decisions, which seriously sabotage their chances of success.
The business implications of fearHere are just some of the ways that fear changes the decisions and actions of small business owners:
It causes them to do what’s safe, rather than do what’s right.
It causes them to stay predictable, rather than express their unique worth.
It causes them to join a group, rather than lead a group.
It causes them to watch, rather than ‘do’.
It causes them to look for excuses, rather than look for answers.
It causes them to set puny goals, rather than goals that inspire them.
It causes them to wonder ‘what if it fails?’, rather than ‘what if it works?
It causes them to blame others, rather than accept responsibility.
It causes them to prepare for failure, rather than plan for success.
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