Internet, Why So Blue?
June,27,2014by: John Herrman
Children ask why the sky is blue, and there usually isn't anybody around to provide a satisfying answer. The sky is blue because… the atmosphere? And gases. The sky is blue because of the air and the Sun. The sky is blue because the sky is blue, and it's time to go to school. Maybe they'll tell you there. But what kind of child would look at the sky today, when there's so much going on down here? The sky suggests infinity but the little screen on dad's phone seems to supply it. What is the answer, then, when a child asks: Why is the internet blue? Read More
Social Media Examiner
How to Publish on LinkedIn for Maximum Exposure
June,30,2014Henley Wing
Are you publishing on LinkedIn? Is your content getting the shares it deserves? Publishing your articles on LinkedIn helps build your personal reputation and increase exposure for your business or website.In this article I’ll share four tactics for publishing content that gets read and shared.
dex Media
Most Social Media Mentions are Neutral
With the numbers of social media users projected to continue to rise steadily, climbing to over 1.75 billion by the end of the year (an increase of more than 12 percent, as projected by eMarketer), comments about a business on these platforms can have a significant impact on perception and, subsequently, play a role in determining the popularity or notoriety of a business. Media-moderating mogul mention, in a newly released study of postings about companies, uncovered some interesting trends, offering potential insight for businesses that keep a finger on the pattern of mentions in posts, pins, and tweets. Read More
Mobile Marketing Watch
Up, Up, and Away: Move to Mobile Hits New Highs
by:Jared Reitzin
Remember that old song by the Fifth Dimension: “Up, Up, and Away?” Well, it would be a good theme song for what’s happening now. The consumer shift to mobile reached new heights in May — in a literally “up, up, and away” kind of way. According to comScore, a global digital analytics company, time spent on mobile apps in the U.S. accounted for the majority of time spent (51 percent) in digital media up from 43% a year ago. And get this: Smartphones and tablets reached 60 percent, up from 50 percent a year ago. Read More