Site Pro News
Google+ Turns Three: What Does the Future Hold?
July ,14,2014by: Tina Courtney-Brown
From the very start, Google Plus has had an uphill climb. Despite a bundle of stats that seem favorable, the social network has never been totally taken seriously, and has yet to be a significant gathering place. In other words, Google Plus is not particularly social. So why is it still surviving?
The undisputed opinion is that Google hangs on to its floundering platform because of massive integration in key apps like Gmail and Maps, and most pertinently, their search results. Most businesses and enterprising individuals have Google Plus accounts not to connect with others, but for SEO purposes. But is that enough for Google to keep pouring money and attention into this controversial social platform? Read More
Web Pro News
Is Your Facebook Response Rate Up To Snuff?
by: Chris Crum
As social media engagement on Facebook rises, response rates from brands are slipping. Brands are struggling to get their messages in front of users thanks to a decline in organic reach of Page posts, but are they responding to their customers when they actually need something? The stats suggest that they’re not doing it enough. Perhaps this should be a bigger area of focus for brands. Read More
Mobile Marketing Watch
Adapting Your Email Marketing Campaign to Mobile
by: Michael Essany
As social media and content marketing have become the digital marketing buzzwords, email marketing has fallen out of fashion. As long ago as 2009 the Wall Street Journal was predicting the death of the email but this has proven not only premature but also way off target.
Inbound marketing is increasingly important and most successful campaigns will use a variety of channels and approaches. But email remains a cornerstone of digital marketing. According to research from the Radicati Group there were 3.3 billion email accounts in the world in 2012 and 77% of consumers listed email as their preferred medium for receiving permission-based marketing communications. This eclipses other channels such as social media (6%) and text messages (5%). Read More
Smart Blog on Social Media
Marketing basics still apply on social media
July,,2014by: Katherine Hunter-Blyden
Many seasoned marketers are all too eager to leave the social media marketing to younger professionals. The ever-evolving social media space can feel daunting to traditional marketers accustomed to broadcast and print marketing. But while the technology is different, the basic building blocks of marketing still hold true. When creating a marketing campaign delivered through any media, you must… Read More
KaratBars International

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