Friday, June 14, 2013

Featured Report: Yet Another Reason to Embrace Mobile Marketing

This Week's Home/Small Business Online News

Small Business Newz
Solving the Most Frustrating Part of Marketing
June,13,2013 by+John Jantsch

I’ve spent the better part of the last 10 years telling any small business owner that would listen that marketing isn’t really that complicated.
What’s complicated and frustrating about marketing perhaps is how small business owners and those that work in the field of marketing think about it.
The Marketing Hourglass Marketing is just a system and, operated as such, it isn’t any different from many of the other systems needed to run a business. A system creates control, a system guides priorities, a system creates process, a system generates accountability and a way to measure and win the game.
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4 Ways to Turn Online Relationships Into Valuable Business Contacts
by:+Lewis Howes

It can be easy to become "friends" or "connected" with someone in a digital world, but it requires thought and strategy to convert social media connections into rewarding business relationships. As a business owner, what's the sense in having droves of followers and connections if you aren't able to turn them into paying customers? Here are five steps to turning your online relationships into real world success:
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Mobile Marketing Watch

Yet Another Reason to Embrace Mobile Marketing
June,12,2013 By:+Michael

While the rate of engagement with mobile ads grows stronger with each passing year, online display ads are having an opposite experience, according to a new report from comScore.
The latest data shows that 54% of online display ads shown in thousands of campaigns measured by comScore between May 2012 and February of 2013 “weren’t seen by anyone.”
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Intuit Small Business Blog

How to Accelerate Cash Inflows and Delay Outflows
June,10,2013 by:+Robert Moskowitz

With lesser reserves and fewer financial alternatives than corporate competitors, small businesses should prepare for the kinds of fluctuations in revenue that could prompt cash crises.
It’s wise to put together a set of policies that can help you cope with any cash shortages and keep your company afloat long enough for sales and profits to ramp back up.
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Keith Berggren
Tel: 773-758-0007
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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Featured Reports: Jiff wants to do for employer wellness programs what WordPress did for blogs

This Week's Healthcare Online News
Fierce Mobile Healthcare
mHealth could save Europe billions in health costs

June,10,2013 by+Greg Slabodkin

Over the next four years, the European Union could realize cost savings of almost 100 billion euros and add 93 billion euros in gross domestic product by embracing mobile health solutions, based on results from a GSMA report.
An executive summary of the report, commissioned by the GSMA and written by PricewaterhouseCoopers, states that mHealth can limit the healthcare and economic burden by making chronic care more effective and healthcare resources more efficient. According to the report, mHealth in Europe could reduce care costs for chronic conditions by 30 to 35 percent through improved treatment compliance and remote patient monitoring. In addition, by using mHealth, the report asserts that 185 million patients across the EU can be treated more effectively, preventing 589,000 incidences of chronic diseases.
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Healthcare Insurance Exchange
Congress Frets About Navigators Veering Off Course

June,07,2013 by:+Bruce Shutan

In a recent congressional hearing, several Republican lawmakers questioned the role of so-called navigators and assisters who are expected to help educate and enroll millions of uninsured Americans in public health insurance exchanges.
The House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform featured a spirited discussion about the qualifications of these individuals. For example, Rep. James Lankford (R-OK), chair of the Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Health care, and Entitlements, wondered whether the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) “mandated criteria” for navigator program applicants.
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Med City News
Jiff wants to do for employer wellness programs what WordPress did for blogs

June,11,2913 By:+Stephanie Baum

Although workplace wellness companies are estimated to be a $6 billion industry in the U.S., there has been some disappointing news that they are not well subscribed by employees and can produce lackluster results. But Jiff, a health IT startup, is seeking to change that. It has a platform that helps employers and health plans digitize and scale up their wellness programs to speed up adoption and increase participation. It’s also working with Towers Watson (NYSE:TW) to test and market an employer wellness program, according to a company statement.
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Search Health IT

Pediatric care benefiting from the advantages of telemedicine
June,11,2013 by:+Emily Huizenga

As they move out of pilot initiatives and into implementations, telemedicine projects are taking a star role in pediatric care models across the country, a seemingly natural fit for extending the reach of scarce subspecialists beyond the four walls of their offices.
Telemedicine care works the same -- mostly -- for pediatric patients as it does for adults -- save for a slightly different approach to "looking into a little kid's ears" as opposed to a grown-up's, said Dr. Neil Herendeen, associate professor in the University of Rochester's department of pediatrics.
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Keith Berggren
Tel: 773-758-0007
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Monday, June 10, 2013

Featured Report Todd Park: Patient engagement will 'vastly' improve healthcare

This Week's Healthcare Online News
Med City News
A pediatrician explains how to make patient engagement a partnership not a dictatorship
by+Stephanie Baum

Many of the patient engagement discussions I hear tend to be focused on how to get patients to do what they’re told and how to get physicians to listen to their patients. So it was great to hear pediatrician Dr. Ivor Horn from Children’s National Medical Center bridge the gap in a panel discussion at the ENGAGE conference by talking about how she views engagement as a partnership.
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Health Data Management
Making Sense of Medicare’s Hospital Charge Data
by:+Joseph Goedert

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services this spring released for public use huge batches of Medicare hospital inpatient and outpatient cost data to help consumers better compare hospital prices. Now comes a new effort to make the data more usable.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is sponsoring a $120,000 challenge to software developers to improve consumer understanding and use of all that data that shows a wide range of prices across more than 3,000 hospitals for 100 common inpatient procedures.
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Fierce Health IT
Todd Park: Patient engagement will 'vastly' improve healthcare
By:+Dan Bowman

Addressing a packed room at the Health Privacy Summit in Washington, D.C., this week, U.S. Chief Technology Officer Todd Park emphasized the importance of federal efforts to engage patients in their own healthcare.
"We're in the middle of a huge cultural shift to get patients access to their records," Park said. "Patient engagement--to quote Leonard Kish--may be the blockbuster drug of the 21st Century. This will vastly improve our healthcare system."
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Med City News
Mayo doc: Stop blaming patients. Healthcare industry’s take on non-compliance is all wrong
by:+Deanna Pogorelc

Dr. Victor Montori used this image to illustrate what he, as a physician, sees as the biggest problem in healthcare.
It depicts a tactic that coal miners used to use to detect when dangerous gases were present in the air. When a canary sent into the mine stopped singing, they knew toxic gases had leaked into the mine.
In this Mayo Clinic doctor’s mind, patients are the canaries, and when they stop singing – or in this case, when they stop complying with what their doctors have recommended or stop going to the doctor to begin with — the healthcare system has become toxic.
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Keith Berggren
Tel: 773-758-0007
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Friday, June 7, 2013

Featured Report: Infographic: What Makes a Successful Social Media Campaign?

This Week's Home/Small Business Online News
Social Media Examiner
How to Use the LinkedIn Contacts Feature
by+ Linda Coles

Are you looking for a smarter way to stay in touch with your most important business relationships? What if you could store all of your contacts in one place? Well now you can with LinkedIn Contacts. In this article, you’ll discover how LinkedIn Contacts looks and take a tour through its features.
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Mobile Marketing Watch
Infographic: What Makes a Successful Social Media Campaign?

There is little doubt as to the efficacy of social media marketing. But there are questions – and lots of them – with regard to how a social media campaign is best conducted.
As social media continues to grow and users flock to new websites every day, it’s become impossible to deny how beneficial Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are for marketing your business, and that’s to say nothing of burgeoning networks like Google+ and Pinterest.
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Duct Tape Marketing
7 Ways to Attract Lots of High Quality Links in the Age of Authority
Jun 3 2013
By:+John Jantsch

Links back to your site from other sites give Google a potentially important signal – “Hey, I’m a human being and I think this is good stuff.” – that’s something Google can’t do with a spider and even better if the site in question is already known to Google as a trusted source.
Links have always been important, but in the past it was just about getting lots of them. The “more is more” approach led to gaming and buying and other unnatural types of acts.
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VB Entreprenuer
CrowdIt combines crowdfunding with mentorship to churn out startup successes

by:+ Rebecca Grant

CrowdIt is launching today to reign in the next generation of crowdfunding. The company brings networking, mentorship, and support services to the crowdfunding model to increase projects’ likelihood of success after the campaign is closed. It went live with 150 projects ranging from someone trying to start a kettle popcorn food truck to a group producing animated, educational videos to help children with behavioral issues cope with emotional situations.
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Tel: 773-758-0007
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