This Week's Healthcare Online News
Fierce Mobile Healthcare
mHealth could save Europe billions in health costs
by+Greg Slabodkin
Over the next four years, the European Union could realize cost savings of almost 100 billion euros and add 93 billion euros in gross domestic product by embracing mobile health solutions, based on results from a GSMA report.
An executive summary of the report, commissioned by the GSMA and written by PricewaterhouseCoopers, states that mHealth can limit the healthcare and economic burden by making chronic care more effective and healthcare resources more efficient. According to the report, mHealth in Europe could reduce care costs for chronic conditions by 30 to 35 percent through improved treatment compliance and remote patient monitoring. In addition, by using mHealth, the report asserts that 185 million patients across the EU can be treated more effectively, preventing 589,000 incidences of chronic diseases.
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Healthcare Insurance Exchange
Congress Frets About Navigators Veering Off Course
by:+Bruce Shutan
In a recent congressional hearing, several Republican lawmakers questioned the role of so-called navigators and assisters who are expected to help educate and enroll millions of uninsured Americans in public health insurance exchanges.
The House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform featured a spirited discussion about the qualifications of these individuals. For example, Rep. James Lankford (R-OK), chair of the Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Health care, and Entitlements, wondered whether the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) “mandated criteria” for navigator program applicants.
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Med City News
Jiff wants to do for employer wellness programs what WordPress did for blogs
By:+Stephanie Baum
Although workplace wellness companies are estimated to be a $6 billion industry in the U.S., there has been some disappointing news that they are not well subscribed by employees and can produce lackluster results. But Jiff, a health IT startup, is seeking to change that. It has a platform that helps employers and health plans digitize and scale up their wellness programs to speed up adoption and increase participation. It’s also working with Towers Watson (NYSE:TW) to test and market an employer wellness program, according to a company statement.
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Search Health IT
Pediatric care benefiting from the advantages of telemedicine
by:+Emily Huizenga
As they move out of pilot initiatives and into implementations, telemedicine projects are taking a star role in pediatric care models across the country, a seemingly natural fit for extending the reach of scarce subspecialists beyond the four walls of their offices.
Telemedicine care works the same -- mostly -- for pediatric patients as it does for adults -- save for a slightly different approach to "looking into a little kid's ears" as opposed to a grown-up's, said Dr. Neil Herendeen, associate professor in the University of Rochester's department of pediatrics.
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