This Week's Healthcare Online News
Houses Approves Bill To Create Nationwide Rx Drug Tracking System
On Monday, the House approved legislation (HR 1919) that would establish a nationwide system to track prescription drugs from manufacturers to pharmacies, The Hill's "Floor Action Blog" reports (Kasperowicz, "Floor Action Blog," The Hill, 6/3).
Details of Bill
The bill was authored by Reps. Bob Latta (R-Ohio) and Jim Matheson (D-Utah). It would require FDA to propose new rules by 2027 to keep consumers safe from the risks of counterfeit drugs.However, the bill -- called the "Safeguarding America's Pharmaceuticals Act of 2013" -- would not force regulators to finalize those rules.
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Modern Physician.com
More patients accepting treatment from nonphysicians
by:+Andis Robeznieks
As predictions of a looming doctor shortage become more severe, a recent survey found that more family physicians are working with nurse practitioners, physician assistants and certified nurse midwives. Another survey found that patients increasingly are accepting treatment by nonphysicians—particularly when the alternative is to wait a day or longer to see a doctor.
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Health Insurance Exchange
Illinois Pushes User-Friendly HIX Platform Design
By:+Bruce Shutan
There will be plenty of hand-holding in the heartland once the Illinois Health Insurance Exchange is up and running.
The Prairie State is among 11 states joining forces with the federal government, as well as eight national and state health care foundations, to create a model website that will streamline the search for health insurance and make the experience more user-friendly.
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Fierce Health IT
Healthcare execs: We don't want to build software
by:+Dan Bowman
Easing clinician processes often is a high priority when purchasing new IT tools, but it's not always one that comes to fruition, according to several healthcare technology executives who participated in a panel discussion Monday at the fourth annual Health Datapalooza in Washington, D.C., a conference originally launched as part of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services' Health Data Initiative.
Joe Kimura chief medical information officer for Boston-based Atrius Health, said that all too often he and his colleagues create custom applications as add-ons to purchased software to get the results they want
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