This Week's Healthcare Online News
Fierce Mobile Healthcare
Health insurance companies are critical to mHealth adoption
by:+Greg Slabodkin
The potential benefits of mobile healthcare from the perspective of patients, physicians, and providers is often touted. Perhaps less amplified is the payers' financial interest in minimizing their risk by actively promoting the health of their policyholders. In fact, insurers are among the healthcare industry's most important stakeholders in keeping members healthy. The goal is to improve people's overall health through behavioral change.
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Enroll America kicking off its ACA push, but hospitals and insurers have their own campaigns
by:+Jessica Zigmond and Rachel Landen
Hospitals and health insurers that will benefit from the new paying customers generated by next year's expansion of insurance coverage under the health reform law have moved quietly on their own to promote consumers' new options.
The moves come after HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius came under fire from Republicans in Congress, who have questioned whether she solicited firms and institutions regulated by her department to contribute money to Enroll America, the privately organized not-for-profit that is working to build public awareness about the new law. Congress has not appropriated funds to educate the uninsured about their coverage options under the new law, which will be offered to the public starting Oct. 1 when open enrollment begins for the insurance exchanges.
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Fierce Health IT
Telemedicine patients more likely urban, educated
by:+Susan D. Hall
Urbanites are twice as likely as those in rural areas to take part in telemedicine, though participation rates for both remain low, according to a report on broadband use released by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.
Based on data from 53,000 households collected by the Census Bureau in July 2011, the report found 8 percent of urban Internet users took part in telemedicine initiatives, compared with 4 percent in rural areas. That stands in contrast to telemedicine's common selling point that it can more effectively and conveniently provide services to people in remote locations.
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Med City News
Healthcare leaders to Senate finance committee: “Transparency can only go so far”
by:+Deanna Pogorelc
“CMS is sitting on so much data; it’s a goldmine,” said Giovanni Colella, CEO and co-founder of Castlight Health, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance on Tuesday. “Making that data accessible will help everyone better understand quality of care and cost of care.”
But data alone won’t drive down healthcare costs. Colella joined TIME contributing editor Steven Brill and two other healthcare transparency leaders in testifying before the committee on high prices and low transparency in healthcare.
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