This Week's Healthcare Online News
Fierce Health Payer
Insurers to rebate $500M to consumers under MLR rule
by+Dina Overland
Insurers will be refunding about $500 million to 8.5 million people this year as a result of the reform law's medical-loss ratio requirements, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services said in a report released Thursday. That amounts to about a $100 refund per family, down from the $152 per family rebates insurers provided consumers in 2011 for a total of $1.1 billion.
"More insurers are meeting this [MLR] standard and spending more of their premium dollars directly toward patient care and quality, and not red tape and bonuses," HHS said in a statement.
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Med City News
In 15 states, officials counting down to ‘biggest open-enrollment we’ve ever seen’
by:+Phil Galewitz, Jay Hancock
At the Silver State Health Insurance Exchange in Carson City, Nev., workers have been counting down the days until Oct. 1 on an office corkboard. Today is a big milestone --- 100 days to the deadline for opening the online marketplaces that are a linchpin of the federal health law known as Obamacare.
"We certainly will need every one of the days that we have left," said Jon Hager, executive director of the Nevada exchange. "But I am confident we will be ready to go."
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Modern Healthcare.com
HHS unveils insurance exchange educational tools
By:+Jessica Zigmond
HHS on Monday unveiled its new HealthCare.gov website and an around-the-clock call center to educate consumers about the open-enrollment process for the health insurance exchanges that is scheduled to start on Oct. 1.
The announcement was expected, as HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and CMS Administrator Marilyn Tavenner had said for months that HHS would launch a public-outreach campaign this summer. Then sources confirmed on Friday that the CMS had planned demonstrations in three Florida cities this week to showcase the website and call-in center.
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Graphic Medicine
Reflection and Reconstruction
by:+Comic Nurse
Alert to some online work from Heinz Insu Fenkl, which arrives via Brighton conference organizer Muna Al-Jawad,I teach a course called Visual/Verbal Storytelling at the State University of New York at New Paltz, and I’m an old comics hand from my grad student days. For the past year or so I’ve been working with the artist Kevin Somers and the Psychiatrist Stefan Kruszewski on adapting Stefan’s graphic memoir, which is a combination of self-reflections of childhood and case studies from his professional work (fictionalized a bit to protect privacy).
The childhood memoirs are relevant to graphic medicine because they are a form of self-analysis through the process of reflection and reconstruction, but the case studies are especially interesting because they show a perspective that hardly ever gets represented.
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