This Week's Healthcare Online News
Hampton VA program can monitor from afar
by+Hugh Lessig
Rick Martin, a registered nurse at the Hampton VA Medical Center, has honed his bedside manner over the telephone. Martin is part of a growing program that allows ailing veterans to live at home while the Hampton VA monitors their condition via telecommunications equipment. Using desktop devices that connect via telephone lines or cellular signals, Martin can effectively monitor a patient's blood pressure, weight and other vital signs.
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Fierce Health IT
Searching for health info online? Beware of tracking
by:+Ashley Gold
There's yet another health privacy threat to worry about--health websites--as they share user search terms for advertising purposes, according to an article published online this week in JAMA Internal Medicine.
The business model of patients who use the Internet to search health-related information and in turn, having those websites gather information on them for target advertising makes things complicated, according to the study author Marco Huesch, of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.
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Physicians Practice
Why Poor Customer Service Continues in Medical Practices
By:+Robert Thomson
I walked upstairs and entered the office for my second medical appointment of the day. When I walked up to the receptionist desk, a young man with a headset on, who had been looking at a computer monitor in front of him waited, then looked up at me and said, "Name"? No smile, no facial expression. I got the feeling I had interrupted something. Still upset from my previous appointment I said to him, "Well hello to you too." in my most sarcastic voice. If he got my message he did not show it. I gave him my name and he told me to have a seat in the waiting room.
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Fierce Health Payer
Progress report: States move toward exchange readiness
by:+ Dina Overland
With only three months left before enrollment in the health insurance exchange opens, much work remains before the online marketplaces are ready. Here's where some states operating their own exchange stand, according to the Commonwealth Fund.
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