This Week's Healthcare Online News
Mobi Health News
Most patients want their doctors to prescribe apps
by+Jonah Comstock
A staggering 90 percent of chronic patients in the US would accept a mobile app prescription from their physician, as opposed to only 66 percent willing to accept a prescription of medication, according to a recent survey from health communications firm Digitas Health. Digitas presented preliminary research findings at a recent event in London, PMLiVE reports.
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Patients Turning to Crowd-Funding Websites for Medical Care Costs
Crowd-funding websites for patients' medical expenses are growing in popularity, and several medical institutions and associations are now joining the industry, Kaiser Health News/Washington Post reports.
How the Sites Work
Medical fundraising websites operate like online business fundraising sites, such as Kickstarter.
Individuals can participate in fundraising on the sites by:
Setting up a Web page;
Including personal stories and a fundraising goal; and
Publicizing the page through social media sites.
Donations generally are accepted through PayPal or credit cards.
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Med City News
Reactions to employer mandate delay: What’s the implication for health insurance exchanges?
By:+Stephanie Baum
The Obama Administration’s move to delay the employer mandate by a year until 2015 has led to a lot of speculation in the Twittersphere and blogosphere. With such a complex law with so many moving parts, there were always going to be changes, it was just a question of when and how much.
Does this signal the beginning of the end of employer-provided insurance? Will it mean more people turning to the health insurance exchanges, set to go live in October, sooner rather than later? How will these exchanges cope if many more people need to begin using them sooner rather than later, when they are still works in progress. Will delaying the political fallout of the employer mandate until after the 2014 midterm elections save more Congressional seats for Democrats?
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Modern Healthcare.com
Grass-roots efforts aim to educate public on Affordable Care Act
by:+ Jessica Zigmond
Nearly a year to the day after the U.S. Supreme Court found the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act constitutional, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius launched her department's public awareness and outreach campaign and identified what she sees as its most daunting challenge ahead: Too many Americans still don't know enough about the Affordable Care Act and how it will affect them.
That's why the Obama administration is counting on consumer groups, community health centers, healthcare provider associations and other organizations to educate millions about the law and how to enroll in coverage.
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