This Week's Home/Small Business Online News
Social Media Today
Best Time to Post on Facebook: Use Insights
by+Alice Fuller
At long last! Fan page administrators and marketers can now post content to their fan pages at optimal times without a lot of guesswork. The best time to post on Facebook has been revealed by Facebook itself, thanks to the newest upgrade of Insights. If you don’t have them yet, be patient. It’s coming!
But is this a game changer? Yes! Generally most social media statistics concerning the best times and days to post to the fan page are based on what the EAST coast is doing. Considering most of the US population lives there that’s understandable, but what if the population of your fan page doesn’t live on the east coast? You just had to figure it out on our own or purchase sometimes costly analytical tools.
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Mobile Marketer
Mobile is the great unifier as cross-device advertising takes off
by:+Chantal Tode
Marketers are increasingly eying cross-device campaigns, with mobile acting as the glue that connects the various elements together to ensure a seamless user experience. However, challenges still exist such as mobile tracking and how to tailor content for each platform.
While interest in cross-device advertising has been around for several years, efforts have taken off in 2013 as consumers increasingly engage with a variety of Internet-enabled devices throughout their day. Marketers are also more eager to funnel a growing portion of their digital budgets to cross-device campaigns because of the strategy’s effectiveness.
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Small Business Newz
25 Reasons to Write a Business Blog
By:+Jim Connolly
Without doubt, business blogging is the most powerful and cost effective marketing tool I have ever encountered. It’s also extremely enjoyable.Here are 25 reasons, why I recommend business blogging to you.
1.Business blogging encourages you to keep learning, so you have something useful to share.
2.Business blogging can generate regular (daily), targeted business leads. The caveat here, is that you need to learn how to write well and how to market your blog.
3.Business blogging is the best way to build a huge, targeted, professional network. You don’t need Linkedin or any other network, when thousands of people already know who you are, exactly what you do and how to contact you.
4.Business blogging allows you to reach people… lots of people, with your message. That’s because blogging scales to infinity. In other words, a post can reach one person or a million people, yet it still takes you the same amount of time to write it.
5. Business blogging is more fun than watching prime-time TV
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Web Pro News
Would You Use Google+ More If You Knew It Could Help Your Search Rankings?
by:+Chris Crum
Sure, some of you are already using Google+ a lot, and I’m not one to call it a ghost town, but I don’t think many would argue that it doesn’t get the level of use as Facebook. But if you knew for a fact that Google+ could directly help you rank better in Google’s search results, wouldn’t you dedicate more time to it?
It seems like only yesterday that Google was telling us that the +1 button had no direct effect on rankings. Actually, it was in October. “In the short term, we’re still going to have to study and see how good the signal is, so right now, there’s not really a direct effect where if you have a lot of +1s, you’ll rank higher,” Matt Cutts said in a Google Hangout back then.
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Do You Remember When Doctors Made House calls?
Do you remember When you could talk to a doctor Day or Night? There was a time when talking to your doctor was as simple as picking up the phone. Back then your doctor who talk to you about your minor problems and prescribe treatment without a visit to the office. That was then but now even minor problems requires and office visit and a long wait that drives up Your healthcare cost. There must be a better WAY? Well There is, I'd like to take a minute and introduce you to We believe being healthy should be a natural right that everyone is entitled to, and now, access to physicians is only a mouse click away.
We provide our members unlimited real time, immediate interaction with a national network of physicians via web cam, phone or secure email, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Our physicians can consult, diagnose, treat, write prescriptions, and order labs for non-emergency medical conditions. In addition to immediate access to health professionals, we provide a financial opportunity that is truly life changing for our members. We have created the most lucrative and generous compensation plan in the industry. "Refer 3 and Yours is FREE" zero cost profitable business. YOU WILL BE PROFITABLE FROM MONTH ONE...!!! Watch this WebDocsNetwork 4 Minute Overview Video |
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