This Week's Healthcare Online News
Fierce Health Payer
10 services insurers are least likely to cover
by+Dina Overland
Insurers frequently don't cover 10 common medical services, according to a new analysis from HealthPocket.
The company analyzed more than 11,000 health plans and found "significant consistency in what insurers are not willing to pay for." Almost all of the surveyed insurers (98 percent) don't include long-term care or cosmetic surgery in their plans, while 94 percent don't cover infertility treatments and 93 percent don't cover weight loss programs, the analysis found.
Meanwhile, 92 percent of insurers don't offer private nursing care, acupuncture or children's dental check-ups in their health plans. Rounding out the top 10 services least likely to be covered are weight loss surgery (90 percent), children's eyeglasses (87 percent) and adult dental services (81 percent).
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Med City News
The gloves are off: Senate Republicans publicly disagree over Obamacare strategy
by:+ Lawder, David
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A nasty, name-calling spat between Tea Party conservatives and older, more moderate Republican senators is playing out in public this week, fueling a battle over the best way to kill President Barack Obama's landmark healthcare law.
Senators usually reserve for private conversations words such as "silly", "dumb," "dishonest" and "feckless" when referring to ideas being floated by members of their own political party.
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Health Data Management
Web Site Offers Businesses Content, Tools to Comply with Reform
By:+Joseph Goedert
The Obama Administration has launched a new one-stop-shop Web site for businesses of all sizes to learn and understand provisions of the Affordable Care Act that will affect their operations.
The site, at Business.USA.gov/healthcare, includes tools to determine, based on size and location, how to provide affordable insurance coverage while still meeting bottom line goals. Content comes from the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Treasury, Department of Commerce and the Small Business Administration.
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More Physicians Seek Access to Patients' At-Home Monitoring Data
Health care providers increasingly are seeking access to data pulled from patients' home-based monitoring devices to help reduce costs and improve health outcomes, the Boston Globe reports.
Details of Home-Based Monitoring Devices
Patients can use home-based monitoring devices to record:
Eating habits;
Blood sugar level;
Blood pressure;
Blood oxygen level
John Halamka -- CIO at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center -- said that information recorded by such devices could be integrated into patients' electronic health records.
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Do You Remember When Doctors Made House calls?
Do you remember When you could talk to a doctor Day or Night? There was a time when talking to your doctor was as simple as picking up the phone. Back then your doctor who talk to you about your minor problems and prescribe treatment without a visit to the office. That was then but now even minor problems requires and office visit and a long wait that drives up Your healthcare cost. There must be a better WAY? Well There is, I'd like to take a minute and introduce you to We believe being healthy should be a natural right that everyone is entitled to, and now, access to physicians is only a mouse click away.
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Keith Berggren
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