This Week's Healthcare Online News
PatientsLikeMe Platform Aims To Assess Patient Outcome Measurements
by+ Staff
PatientsLikeMe, a social networking website, has announced that it is piloting a medical research platform that aims to assess new ways of measuring patient outcomes, InformationWeek reports.
About PatientsLikeMe
The social media site allows patients to share health information with one another. It currently has more than 200,000 members. The site uses online questionnaires and has a database that includes information on symptoms and treatments for about 1,500 conditions.
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Fierce Health IT
For accurate heart attack detection, linked EHRs are key
by:+Ashley Gold
Failure to use patients' linked electronic health records may lead to biased estimates of heart attack incidence and outcome, a new study published in the British Medical Journal finds.
In the study, 21,482 patients with acute mycocardial infarction were identified in four linked EHRs. The researchers found that the crude incidence of acute myocardial infarction was underestimated by 25-50 percent when one source was used rather than three
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Modern Healthcare.com
States delaying, dropping controversial dual-eligible pilot program
By:+Rich Daly
More than half of the states that applied to participate in a controversial CMS pilot for dual-eligible beneficiaries have either dropped out or delayed implementation of their programs, according to health policy experts.
Among the 26 states that applied to participate in the CMS Financial Alignment Initiative, which stems from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, six have dropped out or opted for different “customized” plans and nine have delayed their start dates
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Fierce Health IT
Content on health websites often too complex for patients
by:+Ashley Gold
If you feel like you're lost in a sea of jargon when navigating healthcare-related websites, you're not alone. A new research letter published in JAMA Internal Medicine assesses readability of patient education resources found online, determining that such materials often are too complex for their intended audience
For the research, resources from 16 medical specialties were examined with software called Readability Studio, where readability was assessed using different formulas and indexes. All assessments showed that materials were too complex for the sixth-grade reading level; the average American adult reads at approximately a seventh- to eighth-grade level, according to the authors.
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