This Week's Healthcare Online News
Government Health IT
GOP fears about IRS access to medical records disputed
by+ Kaiser Health News www.kaiserhealthnews.org
Listening to recent statements from some congressional Republicans, you might think that the 2010 health law allows the Internal Revenue Service to have access to your medical records.
Not so, says the Department of Health and Human Services. “The Affordable Care Act maintains strict privacy controls to safeguard personal information. The IRS will not have access to personal health information,” said agency spokeswoman Erin Shields Britt.
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Med City News
How will people with no bank accounts buy insurance on the exchanges?
by:+Sarah Varney
When movie stars become unbankable, they’re no longer a slam dunk at the box office. When investments become unbankable, they’re relegated to the junk pile. For ordinary Americans deemed unbankable, those who don’t have a traditional checking or savings account, it can be hard to simply pay bills. And that is about to become a big problem for those who also lack health coverage -- and for the health insurance companies trying to sell them coverage. After all, how do you sell a product to a customer who has no way to pay you?
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Modern Healthcare.com
Senators seek overhaul of hospital payment system
By:+ Rich Daly
When it comes to Medicare hospital payment systems, the exceptions are the rule.
Congress' nonpartisan investigative arm reported Thursday that 91% of hospitals paid by Medicare receive some dispensation or add-on to the program's standard payment system.
The Inpatient Prospective Payment System was designed to maximize “cost-control, efficiency and access” when it was launched 30 years ago, according to the Government Accountability Office report. But Congress has piled an accumulating number of exemptions and carve-outs for various types of hospitals.
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Fierce Health IT
Hospital workers spending too much time on Facebook
by:+Ashley Gold
No one is immune to spending too much time on Facebook, not even hospital workers in the emergency department.
In a new study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, researchers who set out to determine the impact personal Internet use has on acute clinical settings discovered that Facebook took up a substantial amount of staff time in an observation period.
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