This Week's Home/Small Business Online News
Mobile Marketing Watch
The Mobile Technologies Seniors Use More Than Teenagers
by+Michael E.
Anyone under the impression that seniors remain largely resistant to using mobile tech is sadly mistaken.
In fact, there are some mobile devices and high-tech solutions that seniors are far more inclined to use than teenagers and other young adults.
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15 Do's and Don'ts of Social Media
by:+Stephanie Frasco
While there are no wrong ways to eat a Reese's, there are definitely some wrong ways to do social media. That said, whenever there are wrongs, there are always many rights to counteract them. As a small business, here are some things you need to avoid and some things you need to do to help you get on the right track of using social media effectively to help you increase traffic, leads and sales…
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Business news Daily
5 E-Commerce Trends to Look for in 2014
by:+Nicole Fallon
As new online sales platforms and Web design tools continue to emerge, becoming an e-commerce entrepreneur is an increasingly attainable dream for many aspiring businessowners. While just about anyone can launch an online business, it takes a dedicated salesperson to actually succeed, and that means staying on top of current marketplace trends.
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The Guardian
Choose your weapon: SEO or social media?
by:+Tim Anderson
Digital marketing is critical to the success of most businesses, but what is the best way to spend limited resources? And why is Google+ worth exploring?
For today's connected consumer or business, a Google search or an Amazon user review is just a tap or a click away, and digital channels like these play an ever-increasing role in purchasing decisions. What is the best way for brands to drive web traffic and, ultimately, sales in this new digital landscape?
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