This Week's Healthcare Online News
Med City News
Doctors play an important role in improving U.S. healthcare problems
by:+John Mandrola, MD
Elisabeth Rosenthal, a reporter with the New York Times, is doing American doctors a favor. Her series, Paying Till it Hurts, is forcing us to face our role in the US healthcare problems. That’s a good thing, because, as it goes in the practice of Medicine, the first step to achieving good outcomes is identifying the problems.
Ms. Rosenthal’s most recent piece, Patients’ Costs Skyrocket; Specialists’ Incomes Soar, published today on the front page of the Sunday Times, aimed its scalpel on the lucrative specialty of Dermatology. But one mustn’t focus too much on the skin, there are ample areas of healthcare in need of debridement.
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Welltok adds 14 through CafeWell Connect partner program
by+Neil Versel
Welltok, the Denver-based creator of an online and mobile “social health management” platform, has introduced a partnership program to link technology with disease management and wellness programs.
The idea is to make it easier for population health managers from payers, health systems and accountable care organizations to provide services and actionable steps for program members.
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Modern Healthcare
Hospital prices grow at slowest rate since 1999
by:+Melanie Evans
Hospital service prices in 2013 grew at the slowest rate since 1999, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Thursday. Prices increased 4.7% compared with an average of 6.2% per year during the past 15 years.
The hospital Consumer Price Index for 2013, which reflects the prices paid by commercial insurers, has declined steadily for the past four years. Its growth nonetheless easily outpaced the rate of overall inflation, as reflected by the consumer price index for all goods, which rose 1.5% last year.
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Med City News
How to Use Twitter for Healthcare Effectively (4 Tips)
by:+Jonathan Govette
With Twitter going public this year, it has over 100 million daily active users and 231.7 million monthly active users worldwide to date. There are lots of opportunities for conversation on the platform about almost every topic known to man, but where does healthcare fit in on Twitter as an industry?
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