This Week's Healthcare Online News
SF Gate
Walgreens, UCSF to help manage prescriptions
by+Stephanie M. Lee
UCSF and pharmacy chain Walgreens are launching a joint effort to help patients smoothly, safely and accurately fill their prescriptions, the two will announce Tuesday. The most visible aspect of the partnership will take place in a renovated, 1,200-square-foot section of a Walgreens across the street from UCSF Medical Center in San Francisco, where pharmacists from both the university and the pharmacy chain will help customers side by side.
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Health Data Management
AMC Health Launches Android-based Mobile Telehealth Platform
by:+Greg Gillespie
AMC Health, a telehealth services and technology provider, has released an Android-based mobile platform designed to provide untethered interactions between patients and providers. The company is beta-testing the platform with clinical trial clients before releasing it to the hospital market. In beta tests, clinical trial patients will be given Samsung Galaxy devices to videoconference with clinicians. AMC Health plans to integrate the video and voice conferencing capabilities into its CareConsole Web portal for physicians.
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Search Health IT
Not just another health IT term, telecare benefits the elderly
by:+Joseph Kim
There is a growing focus on the use of technology to help the older adult population live healthier lives. As the baby boomer generation ages, more adults are living longer with multiple chronic conditions like hypertension, diabetes, osteoarthritis and heart disease. There are also many older adults who are relatively healthy and do not have any type of active disease. Technology can help both of these groups live healthier, safer lives.
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Health Data Management
With Consumers Facing a ‘Rat Maze,’ Insurer Tries to Create New Set of Norms
by:+Greg Slabodkin
Aetna, one of the nation's largest health insurers, is embracing digital tools built around individuals in order to create a "new set of norms" for the U.S. health care system. Delivering the opening keynote at HIMSS14, Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini said the new model is about enabling consumers to interact with the system in a way that is simple and enables them to “stay ahead” of their health.
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