This Week's Healthcare Online News
Modern Healthcare
RAND study cites telemedicine benefits: lowers costs, expands access
by+Steven Ross Johnson
The first assessment of a wide-scale deployment of telemedicine suggests the technology shows promise as a means of addressing an expected shortage of physicians in some areas as millions of Americans gain health coverage.
The study, conducted by the RAND Corp. and published Monday in the journal Health Affairs, found that using telecommunication services to provide clinical care from a distance were used mostly by younger, more affluent patients who were more tech savvy. Researchers found no increase in clinical misdiagnosis or errors in treatment among those using the service.
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Washington Post ON I.T.
Walgreens to use software to help clinicians assess patients
by:+Mohana Ravindranath
The next time a patient walks into a Walgreens clinic, the clinician may not be the only one assessing patients. Soon, hundreds of Walgreens clinics will be equipped with new software that guides health-care providers through checkups — requiring them to ask certain questions or request particular lab tests depending on the patient’s history. The software, called ePASS, was developed by Inovalon, a Bowie-based health IT firm with about 3,000 employees worldwide.
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Fierce Health Payer
Consumers use Twitter to reach out to insurers
by:+Dina Overland
Many consumers can't get through to insurers due to long customer service wait times, so they're turning to social media--Twitter in particular--to express their complaints and criticisms. And insurers are listening, often responding directly to consumers with ways to immediately rectify the problems.
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Health Data Management
Consumer Input Sought on Stage 2 Patient Data Access Issues
Deven McGraw and Micky Tripathi, leaders of the Health IT Policy Committee’s Tiger Team on privacy and security issues, are seeking quick input from health consumers as the industry prepares to make patient information readily available to the patient and others designated to see it under the EHR meaningful use program. The question: Are there enough safeguards in place when family or friends access the data? Here is a blog they posted on Feb. 3 on the Web site
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