This Week's Healthcare Online News
Med City News
Here are the 10 most expensive insurance markets in the U.S.
by+Jordan Rau
These are the 10 regions of the country with the highest premiums for people buying insurance on the health law’s new marketplaces. The ranking is based on the lowest price “silver” plan, which is the mid-level plan that the majority of consumers are selecting. The listed monthly premiums are for a 40-year-old person and are based on rates listed on the federal and state insurance marketplaces and data collected by the Kaiser Family Foundation. (KHN is an editorially independent program of the foundation.)
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How Chicago's top hospitals really make money
by:+Andrew L. Wang
Thanks to 2013's sizzling stock market, Chicago-area hospitals are reaping outsize investment returns, providing a crucial source of income as health care's tough economics make it harder for them to turn a profit.
Among the biggest winners: Northwestern Memorial HealthCare, Advocate Health Care and NorthShore University HealthSystem. Each took home nine-figure gains last year, empowering them to afford expansions and acquisitions. In fact, Northwestern's $309.1 million haul from investments nearly matched the $312.4 million in operating income that the Streeterville-based organization generated from running its two hospitals and other facilities in the year ended Aug. 31.
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CMS: Medicare & Medicaid ACOs are Saving Money
by:+Joseph Goedert
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services says its Medicare and Pioneer accountable care organization initiatives have saved more than $380 million. However, participants doing well are a distinct minority.
In the first 12 months of the Medicare Shared Savings Program, 54 of 114 ACOs had lower expenditures than anticipated. Twenty-nine of the 54 ACOs generated shared savings of more than $126 million while generating $128 million in net savings to Medicare Trust Funds, based on interim results, with final results expected later in 2014. Interim results are currently within the range projected for the first year, according to CMS.
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Fierce Health IT
Telehealth continues to surge in popularity despite flaws
by:+Ashley Gold
Telehealth saves money and trips to the doctor's office, but can it also be a case of "too many chefs in the kitchen?"That's what Chetan Mukudan, M.D., of Nashville's Heritage Pediatrics, says, according to an article in The Tenessean. Telehealth services can result in a fragmentation of care where one medical professional is unaware what the other is doing, he says, especially in cases where telehealth replaces a trip to the pediatrician.
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