This Week's Healthcare Online News
In-Depth: Digital health APIs every health startup should know
by+Jonah Comstock
One conversation topic that never seems far away at digital health industry events is the idea of data silos. Consumer health and fitness apps are letting people collect more health data about themselves than ever before. And increasingly connected electronic health records create a wealth of electronic data about patients. The real potential for that data, many people believe, will come when it can be combined with other data and integrated into other apps and platforms, rather than being locked away wherever it was originally collected.
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Modern Healthcare
Survey: Uninsured rate drops; health law cited
by:+Associated Press
With just three weeks left to sign up under President Barack Obama's healthcare law, a major survey tracking the rollout finds that the uninsured rate keeps going down.
The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, released Monday, found that 15.9 percent of U.S. adults are uninsured thus far in 2014, down from 17.1 percent for the last three months — or calendar quarter— of 2013.
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Med City News
Can engaging primary care doctors reduce healthcare costs?
by:+Stephanie Baum
A couple of the pain points driving up healthcare costs are poor adherence to care plans and self-referrals to specialists. Health IT startup Amplify Health wants to change that by getting primary care physicians to do a better job of engaging their patients. Chris DeNoia, the vice president of business development, told MedCity News that its platform is designed to give primary care physicians a better way to steer their patient populations and influence behavior.
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Health Data Management
Group Asks Sebelius to Lift Telemedicine Restrictions
by:+Greg Slabodkin
The American Telemedicine Association has asked the Department of Health and Human Services to "lift unnecessary restrictions on health care delivery that prohibits millions of Americans from accessing quality medical care."
In a March 4 letter to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, ATA urged her to allow Medicare providers paid under alternative payment methods the flexibility to use telehealth as a means to add value for Medicare and its beneficiaries.
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