This Week's Healthcare Online News
Modern Healthcare
Outliers: Nothing nice to say? Check out Google
How does America feel about its doctors? Those who consult Google for the answer better have a thick skin. Type the words “doctors are” into the Google search field, and it automatically guesses the rest of the query based on the popularity of past searches. Here's what Google's autocomplete function says are the four most common ways to complete the phrase:
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Health Insurance ExChange
PCIP Extended One Month
(Bloomberg) – A program for sick Americans who were previously denied insurance coverage will be extended another month, through April, the Obama administration said Friday afternoon. The Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan was originally set to expire on Dec. 31 and has been extended monthly since.
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Fierce Health IT
Telehealth services market on steep upward trajectory
by:+Susan D. Hall
Revenue in the telehealth services industry is expected to grow by an annualized 30.7 percent to $320.2 million in the next five years, including revenue growth of 23.1 percent in 2014, according to industry research firm IBISWorld.
It defines telehealth services to include diagnosis, treatment, assessment, monitoring, communication and education delivered primarily through three kinds of technology: videoconferencing, remote patient monitoring and store-and-forward offerings, which transmit digital images between providers
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Fierce Health Payer
Another union push for healthcare price transparency
by:+Ron Shinkman
Organized labor's push for healthcare price transparency expanded to South Florida, with a union for public employees demanding more cost data from hospitals, physicians and health plans.
The Service Employees International Union, which represents public workers in Miami's Dade County, made the request due to continually rising healthcare costs for union members, according to the Miami Herald. The costs for county employees could rise as much as 10 percent next year, and will approach $425 million.
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