This Week's Healthcare Online News
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Insurance exchanges' IRS Publication 1075 data compliance new to many
by+Don Fluckinger
Affordable Care Act implementation continues, despite some major obstacles: a government shutdown, deep political opposition to the ACA, and a rocky start to the first week of enrollment for its health insurance exchanges (because of initial crashes of the main federal website and ongoing technical glitches causing delays and user-authentication problems).
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Modern Healthcare
Reform Update: Insurance enrollment expected to surge on exchanges
by:+ Jessica Zigmond
HHS and consumer groups are preparing for a very busy final month of Americans signing up for insurance on the federal, state and private health insurance exchanges.
With March 31 the last day for consumers to enroll, HHS announced Thursday that it anticipates a “surge in activity” before the deadline. To ready itself, this weekend HHS will transition 1,500 customer service representatives from web chat to direct telephone service so they can help consumers with open enrollment 24 hours a day,
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Health Data Management
Spotting Incompetence Shouldn’t be This Easy
by:+Joseph Goedert
How does one identify an incompetent government administration? When it consistently is the last entity to spot the obvious--time and time again--that is the measure of incompetence. If you just take its missteps and propensity for denial in the health care industry and not count anything else during the past five years, the Obama Administration still proudly yet without a clue wears the crown of incompetence.
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Med City News
Google Glass startup expecting third healthcare client in less than 6 months
by:+Neil Versel
It’s been more than 10 months since Google released an application provider interface for its Google Glass wearable device, and though Glass effectively remains in beta, healthcare apps are starting to pop up.
Pristine co-founder and CEO Kyle Samani says the company is actually generating revenue from its Glass offerings.
In October, the University of California, Irvine, began piloting Pristine’s EyeSight videoconferencing app for remote consultations with anesthesiologists, as well as the CheckLists for surgeries. A few weeks ago, company announced a partnership with Wound Care Advantage, a company that manages hospital wound centers. Another related deal is in the works with a university hospital in southern California.
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