This Week's Home/Small Business Online News
Social Media Examiner
Being Useful: New Marketing Techniques That Work
by+ Michael Stelzner
Are you wondering how your business can be more useful? Do you provide youtility?
To learn about youtility and a new way of thinking when it comes to marketing, I interview Jay Baer for this episode of the Social Media Marketing podcast.More About This Show Social Media Marketing Podcast w/ Michael Stelzner The Social Media Marketing podcast is a show from Social Media Examiner.
It’s designed to help busy marketers and business owners discover what works with social media marketing.
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Convince and Convert
How to Be Successful Across All Social Platforms
by:+Jay Baer
Brad Walters, Director of Social Media and Emerging Platforms for Lowe’s Home Improvement, joins the Social Pros Podcast this week to discuss starting the conversation rather than letting the customer start it, tailoring content and strategies to individual platforms, and delivering consistently helpful content across all social platforms.
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Score Small Business Blog
Time Online – Savvy Marketing or Waste?
By:+Julie Poland
Why are you even considering becoming more active online? Sometimes the answer to the savvy marketing versus waste question is in the clarity of your goals for becoming more active in social media. And ultimately, the proof is in social media’s impact on the results in your company.
The lure – more for your money, or no money at all
If you are like many small businesses, marketing is one of those investments for which the return on investment is sometimes difficult to quantify. And if you are hiring someone to help you, sometimes it’s difficult to know whether the outside resource that you are contemplating using is a good fit and worth the money.
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Social Media Examiner
How to Setup a Social Media Business Strategy
by:+Heidi Cohen
Does your business have a social media strategy?
According to research conducted by Constant Contact, over 50% of small businesses need help with social media.While many businesses have a social media presence, many are not engaging on those platforms and thus not meeting their goals. With planning, your small business can use social media effectively.
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