This Week's Healthcare Online News
Digital health tools likely to decrease visits to the doctor
by+Elizabeth Armstrong Moore
In the not-too-distant future, it is quite likely that most interactions between patients and the health care system will happen online, according to researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, who partnered with The Commonwealth Fund to review recent trends in digital health care as well as scientific literature.
Thanks to consumer-directed health apps, electronic health records (EHRs), telemedicine, and the like, researchers say that patients are going to dramatically change the way they interact with their doctors. They report their findings in the November issue of the journal Health Affairs.
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Health Data Management
Health I.T. vs. Influenza
by:+Elizabeth Gardner
One of the influenza strains that afflicted New Yorkers in 2012 was so sneaky that it even fooled Pascal Imperato, M.D., the former head of the city's health department, a renowned expert on infectious diseases, and now dean of the school of public health at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn.
"I didn't think of taking an antiviral because it began in an insidious manner and I didn't think it was the flu," he says. "Then it caused severe chills. I've never in my life had chills like that-and I've had malaria." By the time his wife started showing symptoms, Imperato knew enough to get her a dose of Tamiflu, which banished the bug in two days.
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Fierce Health Payer
Are insurers hiding healthcare reform benefits?
by:+Alicia Caramenico
Insurance companies have sent misleading cancellation notices to consumers and provided little or no information about the health insurances exchanges, Talking Points Memo reported.
The article points to LifeWise Health Plan of Washington, which told members that their existing plan would get cancelled to comply with healthcare reform, but if members did nothing, they would automatically switch to a new plan that was the "closest match" to their current coverage. The letter made no mention of the health insurance exchanges as a place to shop around for other insurance options, TPM noted.
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Two bipartisan-backed bills could affect mobile health
by:+Jonah Comstock
Calling Obamacare a contentious topic between Republicans and Democrats in the US House of Representatives would be something of an understatement. But that doesn’t mean there’s no bipartisan momentum in healthcare legislation. One bill currently in the House would expand Medicare and Medicaid coverage for telehealth, while another would restrict the FDA’s regulatory purview over mobile health apps.
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How our incredible system works
Team Pay It Forward was developed to help everyone on the team experience success and to allow people the opportunity to build an explosive team utilizing one of the most powerful concepts of our generation. Our Team is focused and built on the powerful concept of "Pay It Forward". This allows our teammates to take full advantage of a 30 day head start in building their teams absolutely FREE. Most importantly, it also provides that same opportunity for their new teammates as well.
Once ready, you can get positioned by filling out the form found on the "Get Positioned Now" tab. Team pay It Forward is paying it forward for you and all your future teammates. This will result in you having your first month's Consultant's fee for FREE. This provides you a FREE 30 day head start in building your team. A head start in creating a true residual passive income stream. Each new teammate you refer will also have the same opportunity to have the Team pay it forward for them so that they also can enjoy a free 30 day head start in building their teams. Please keep in mind that your referrals will be specifically placed in your personal matrix in the first available spot.
By following this simple but powerful system, this team concept can and does allow for explosive growth of the whole team by providing everyone the same opportunity to give away, in essence, a FREE 30 day head start position for up to 15 people they would want as business partners on their team. In addition, each of those teammates would have the same opportunity.
New enrollees will be responsible for their monthly Consultant's fee starting with their second month and every month thereafter. The Only exception is when a Consultant qualifies for our "Refer 3 and Yours is FREE". You do have the option to cancel your position at any point. You are not obligated to remain active for any length of time.
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Keith Berggren
Tel: 773-758-0007
Healthcare Online 2/7
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