This Week's Healthcare Online News
Marketing Profs
How to Enhance Mobile Marketing With Personalization
by+Kane Russell
Everyone today understands mobile marketing's potential to produce business success. Mobile drives 20% of all e-commerce sales, and sales via mobile are projected to increase from $139 billion in 2012 to more than $400 billion in 2015.
One vital step toward capturing this potential is personalizing the mobile experience for customers. Mobile is personal, with every device feature, sound, and function customizable. Any marketer will acknowledge the demise of "spray and pray," replaced by data-focused segmentation and targeting. However, though 43% of companies deliver a personalized experience on desktop computers, only 13% do on mobile
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Market Your Business the Marvel Comics Way
by:+Michael Schein
After toiling for years as an anonymous comics writer, Stan Lee had a once-in-a-lifetime idea. He dreamed up a brand new type of superhero team. Heroes with insecurities, fears, jealousies, and flaws. In other words, real human beings.
Stan Lee called his creation the Fantastic Four. It was a massive hit. Naturally, his boss wanted more. So in an insanely short period of time, he went on a tear--coming up with a rash of similarly flawed heroes, with names such as Spiderman, the Incredible Hulk, X-Men, Thor, and Iron Man.
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Social Media Examiner
How to Use Testimonials in Your Marketing:
by:+Michael Stelzner
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Washington Post: Business
Small business advice: What you need to know about new telemarketing regulations
by:+Eric Holtzclaw
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently started enforcing new rules requiring businesses to obtain “prior express written consent” before calling or texting consumers for solicitation purposes. The change creates new challenges for small firms already struggling to adapt to evolving technologies and a still-uncertain economic outlook.
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How our incredible system works
Team Pay It Forward was developed to help everyone on the team experience success and to allow people the opportunity to build an explosive team utilizing one of the most powerful concepts of our generation. Our Team is focused and built on the powerful concept of "Pay It Forward". This allows our teammates to take full advantage of a 30 day head start in building their teams absolutely FREE. Most importantly, it also provides that same opportunity for their new teammates as well.
Once ready, you can get positioned by filling out the form found on the "Get Positioned Now" tab. Team pay It Forward is paying it forward for you and all your future teammates. This will result in you having your first month's Consultant's fee for FREE. This provides you a FREE 30 day head start in building your team. A head start in creating a true residual passive income stream. Each new teammate you refer will also have the same opportunity to have the Team pay it forward for them so that they also can enjoy a free 30 day head start in building their teams. Please keep in mind that your referrals will be specifically placed in your personal matrix in the first available spot.
By following this simple but powerful system, this team concept can and does allow for explosive growth of the whole team by providing everyone the same opportunity to give away, in essence, a FREE 30 day head start position for up to 15 people they would want as business partners on their team. In addition, each of those teammates would have the same opportunity.
New enrollees will be responsible for their monthly Consultant's fee starting with their second month and every month thereafter. The Only exception is when a Consultant qualifies for our "Refer 3 and Yours is FREE". You do have the option to cancel your position at any point. You are not obligated to remain active for any length of time.
Join Team Pay It ForwardJoin our Team Pay It Forward on Facebook
Keith Berggren
Tel: 773-758-0007
Healthcare Online 2/7
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