This Week's Home/Small Business Online News
SCORE Small Business Blog
Increased Client Retention Practices for Web Based Small Businesses
by+Denise Graziano
Let’s face it, online businesses live in an environment that does not encourage customer relationships, or build loyalty as easily as a brick and mortar store can. However, it can be done. Look to the online success stories to model what they have done. (Amazon and L.L. Bean created a fan base one satisfied customer at a time). Technology gives web based small businesses advantages that can level the playing field with their larger competitors. Giving sufficient attention to customer profiles and delivering what they need is an equally important component for continued online sales success.
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How to Make the Most of Your Content Marketing this Holiday Season
by:+Alesia Krush
The holidays are usually a make-hay time for marketers. One simply can't miss the opportunity of catering to the shoppers' inflated appetites (not to mention that salespeople often whet those appetites themselves).
So, what does your marketing plan include this season - another boring sale? If you are up for something different this year, here are a few ideas for flavoring your festive content with holiday cheer the right way!
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Mobile Marketing Watch
comScore: mCommerce will Make History on Cyber Monday
comScore has gazed once again into its crystal ball and the future looks bright for mobile commerce this holiday shopping season. Although the six fewer days between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year compared to last year will likely result in a “slight decline” in the overall spending growth rate compared to a typical year, it won’t be noticeable against the backdrop of strong sales across all mCommerce and eCommerce channels.
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Google Think
How Search Influences Holiday Shopping
by:+Nina Thatcher
Holiday shopping is already in full swing, and people are increasingly turning to the internet to get advice on what’s hot, who they should buy from and where they should purchase their gifts. In our study conducted with Millward Brown Digital, we found that searchers are 1.5x more likely to buy than those who don’t use search, making them a particularly valuable audience for marketers. Here’s what you need to know about the search habits of 2013’s holiday shoppers.
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How our incredible system works
Team Pay It Forward was developed to help everyone on the team experience success and to allow people the opportunity to build an explosive team utilizing one of the most powerful concepts of our generation. Our Team is focused and built on the powerful concept of "Pay It Forward". This allows our teammates to take full advantage of a 30 day head start in building their teams absolutely FREE. Most importantly, it also provides that same opportunity for their new teammates as well.
Once ready, you can get positioned by filling out the form found on the "Get Positioned Now" tab. Team pay It Forward is paying it forward for you and all your future teammates. This will result in you having your first month's Consultant's fee for FREE. This provides you a FREE 30 day head start in building your team. A head start in creating a true residual passive income stream. Each new teammate you refer will also have the same opportunity to have the Team pay it forward for them so that they also can enjoy a free 30 day head start in building their teams. Please keep in mind that your referrals will be specifically placed in your personal matrix in the first available spot.
By following this simple but powerful system, this team concept can and does allow for explosive growth of the whole team by providing everyone the same opportunity to give away, in essence, a FREE 30 day head start position for up to 15 people they would want as business partners on their team. In addition, each of those teammates would have the same opportunity.
New enrollees will be responsible for their monthly Consultant's fee starting with their second month and every month thereafter. The Only exception is when a Consultant qualifies for our "Refer 3 and Yours is FREE". You do have the option to cancel your position at any point. You are not obligated to remain active for any length of time.
Join Team Pay It ForwardJoin our Team Pay It Forward on Facebook
Keith Berggren
Tel: 773-758-0007
Healthcare Online 2/7
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