This Week's Healthcare Online News
Modern Healthcare
Tyson: Kaiser on a mission to make care more affordable
Earlier this year, Bernard Tyson became CEO of Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, a $50 billion-a-year integrated delivery network that serves more than 9 million members in nine states and the District of Columbia. During a recent interview with Modern Healthcare Editor Merrill Goozner, the 30-year Kaiser veteran described Kaiser's approach to participating in the insurance exchanges, improving the health of the population it serves and how the organization views its not-for-profit mission.
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Med City News
Infographic parses out how Healthcare.gov works + how the technology stacks up
by:+Lindsey Alexander
IT consultant Eduardo Garcia made this infographic after trying to help his parents shop for insurance on Healthcare.gov. Rather than complain like the rest of us, he created the infographic below to show the complex system that is the Obamacare website.
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Fierce Healthcare
Majority of hospital employees can't access social media at work
Most physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners and hospital administrators have limited access to social media on work computers connected to the corporate network, according to a recent InCrowd survey.
Fifty-nine percent of the surveyed 640 healthcare professionals who work in hospitals said they are blocked from social media sites at work. They reported employee misuse, wasted time and lowered productivity as the main reasons for barring access to social media sites. An additional 25 percent said hospitals limited their access for security reasons, privacy concerns and virus protection.
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Fierce Mobile Healthcare
An online guide to 'self-health' trackers and apps
by:+ Greg Slabodkin
Partners HealthCare's Center for Connected Health in Boston has announced the launch of Wellocracy, aiming to guide consumers in their use of health apps. Wellocracy is described as a "clinically-based source of impartial, easy-to-understand information on new personal 'self-health' technologies such as health and fitness trackers and mobile apps."
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How our incredible system works
Team Pay It Forward was developed to help everyone on the team experience success and to allow people the opportunity to build an explosive team utilizing one of the most powerful concepts of our generation. Our Team is focused and built on the powerful concept of "Pay It Forward". This allows our teammates to take full advantage of a 30 day head start in building their teams absolutely FREE. Most importantly, it also provides that same opportunity for their new teammates as well.
Once ready, you can get positioned by filling out the form found on the "Get Positioned Now" tab. Team pay It Forward is paying it forward for you and all your future teammates. This will result in you having your first month's Consultant's fee for FREE. This provides you a FREE 30 day head start in building your team. A head start in creating a true residual passive income stream. Each new teammate you refer will also have the same opportunity to have the Team pay it forward for them so that they also can enjoy a free 30 day head start in building their teams. Please keep in mind that your referrals will be specifically placed in your personal matrix in the first available spot.
By following this simple but powerful system, this team concept can and does allow for explosive growth of the whole team by providing everyone the same opportunity to give away, in essence, a FREE 30 day head start position for up to 15 people they would want as business partners on their team. In addition, each of those teammates would have the same opportunity.
New enrollees will be responsible for their monthly Consultant's fee starting with their second month and every month thereafter. The Only exception is when a Consultant qualifies for our "Refer 3 and Yours is FREE". You do have the option to cancel your position at any point. You are not obligated to remain active for any length of time.
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Keith Berggren
Tel: 773-758-0007
Healthcare Online 2/7
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