Duct Tape Marketing
Why Dark Posts Are the Best Facebook Advertising Approach Right NowAug,26,2014
Let me preface this post by highlighting the words in the title “right now.” As with all things in this fast changing digital world, a killer tactic today may soon be worth very little when, for example, the network you’re using it on decides to change the rules or it simply becomes diluted due to the fact that everyone is doing it now.
For today one of the most effective advertising plays on Facebook is something being called ”dark posts.” The term, while sounding a tad evil, actually applies to the tactic of using news feed style ads that do not actually get published to the newsfeed of your page. Read More
Business News Daily
Square Announces Free Sales Analytics Tool for Small Businesses
by: Brittney Helmrich]
One of the perks of using an enterprise point of sale service is the ability to track customer and sales data so you can see what works for your business (and more importantly, what doesn't). But what about small businesses that rely on mobile technology to process payments? If you're a Square user, there may be a tracking tool for you, too.
Square has added a new tool to their products: Square Analytics. The portable credit-card-processing provider announced the new sales solution last week on its website. The addition of Square Analytics turns the tiny credit card reader into a more robust (but still portable) point of sale service option for small business owners. Read More
Corey Eridon
"If you run a small company, then you're in sales. If you're a doctor or lawyer or accountant, you're in sales." That's how David Meerman Scott's new SlideShare, "The New Rules of Selling,"begins. The presentation's content is drawn from Scott's latest book, The New Rules of Sales and Service, and this quote in particular resonates with me. It harkens back to a lunch I had with our own VP of Sales, Mark Roberge, in which he told me that he thought every career could benefit from at least some experience in Sales. Like Scott says -- everybody, in some way or another, is in Sales.
In Scott's new book (and in this SlideShare), you can learn how Sales is evolving, redefining its own space, and shaping the world of Services along with it. If you're familiar with the inbound marketing story and the shift to a digital, consumer-driven world, I suspect much of this will resonate with you, too. Read More
Mobile Marketing Watch
Hungry for Digital Media? No Doubt You’re Dining on Mobile Apps
by: Michael Essany
Digital media consumption now constitutes a genuine multi-course meal, not just a snack. That’s the takeaway from a newly released comScore study, which also shows that Facebook is getting its just desserts. The comScore research shows that the majority of digital media consumption now takes place in mobile apps. “That means mobile apps, including the number 1 most popular app Facebook, eat up more of our time than desktop usage or mobile web surfing, accounting for 52 percent of the time spent using digital media,” according to a story on the study posted at TechCrunch. “Combined with mobile web, mobile usage as a whole accounts for 60 percent of time spent, while desktop-based digital media consumption makes up the remaining 40 percent.” Read More
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