Site Pro News
The Lazy Webmaster’s Guide to Link Building
by: Elena Terenteva
Ok, maybe you’re not actually lazy, but you’re definitely pressed for time. After all, you have to stay up to date on all the basics of SEO, plan ahead for search engine updates, do keyword research, optimize for search and social….the list goes on and on. You can have a meltdown just thinking about it!So with all that’s going on how do you find time to continuously attract links to your domain?
Well, today is your lucky day because I’m going to share some quick tips that will help you reap the benefits of link building without spending ridiculous amounts of time slaving away. Before we go any further, I want to set something straight… Read More
To Trigger or Target; That Is the Question
“Triggered or targeted emails? Which is better?”
It’s been asked so often I hear it now as Shakespeare’s “To be or not to be…” ClichĂ©, I know, but the email marketer’s struggle over which is better for the personalized email toolkit is oddly similar to that of Hamlet.
While the prince struggled to decide between a short-term decision and a long-term consequence, our email marketer, too, questions the short-term benefits of triggered emails against the long-term relationship-building available through targeted emails.
So, which is it?
If you ask me, the answer is “Yes!” The reality is that an effective email marketing campaign needs to include a combination of the two. Read More
Mobile Marketing Watch
Retailers Can Motivate Millennials with Mobile and More
by: Michael Essany
Thank heavens the days of zombies strolling cavernous malls seem to be waning.
It’s not just because the U.S. is experiencing a bout of retail retrenchment. In fact, those spaces just don’t have the appeal — especially to the prime millennial demographic (18-34) — that retailers need to create.
That’s the conclusion reached by JLL Research.
“With cash to spend, and the need to own the latest-and-greatest goods and gadgets, the youngest group of adult consumers, born between 1980 and 2000, already spends $600 billion a year in the United States alone,” according to the report summary shared with MMW. “It shows no signs of slowing. In fact, they’re on track to spend $1.4 trillion annually by 2020, accounting for roughly 30 percent of all retail sales.” Read More
Marketing Sherpa Blog
Mobile Marketing: 3 tips from ModCloth on mobile app engagement
by: Allison Banko
Seldom do I condone a selfie. Nothing makes me want to cut a slice of humble pie for someone more than a pointless, self-taken snapshot. If you’re doing absolutely nothing but think you look darn good, it’s pretty clear you’re pulling for some strokes to the ol’ ego. In the driver’s seat of your car? Not a photo op. Working at your computer but having a great hair day? Don’t click the cam. However, I do think there are some exceptions — and perhaps even necessary occasions — for a selfie. If I run into Jennifer Aniston on the street but no one’s there to take the pic, you best bet I’ll hold up my iPhone and do it on my own. Read More
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