WIX Blog
The 5 Biggest Misconceptions About Using Twitter for Business
by: Staff
Despite the fact that with more than 270 million active users, Twitter is consistently retaining its position as a leading social network; and despite the fact that more and more media scandals, news coverage, celebrity confessions and public debates take place on the platform, many small businesses still prefer to stay out of the Twitter game and invest their time and energy on other social channels.
To some extent, this is the result of widespread beliefs about Twitter that are common amongst newbies and non-savvy internet users. Twitter, unlike Facebook, has a more particular appeal that attracts a specific type of web user. Not everyone gets it, but a lot do. In fact, many people are such die-hard addicts of tweeting that it is mistaken to simply give up on Twitter without even trying. Read More
Socially Stacked
How to Tell if Your Facebook Efforts are Paying Off Off
by: Chelsea Hejny
Measuring the total return on investment of a business’ Facebook efforts is tricky, if not nearly impossible. There are lots of variables to consider, many of which businesses can’t really track.
Here’s an example of what I mean: It’s around lunchtime and a guy sees a Facebook post featuring a mouth-watering photo from Joe’s Pizza Parlor. He then suggests to his deskmate that they grab a slice of pizza at Joe’s. They end up spending $20 on slices and wings.
Even if Joe’s Pizza Parlor’s Facebook post didn’t get any engagement, it effectively earned the business $20. The point is, unless Joe himself asks every customer who places an order what inspired them to do so (which I wouldn’t recommend!) there’s really no way of tracking the restaurant’s exact return on its Facebook efforts. This is because once a user’s social media experiences turn into word of mouth, it becomes extremely difficult for the brand to track. Read More
Pinterest rolls out analytics to reel brands in
by:Ruth Reader
A couple of months ago, Pinterest said it would slowly start rolling out an fresh take on its analytics tool. It looks like that’s now happening. The updated tool gives more detailed analytics than its previous version, like what pins are getting re-pinned and how individual pins and boards are performing. Pinterest Analytics is just for Pinterest users with a business account — a feature the company rolled out a little more than a year and a half ago. Read More
Social Media Today
10 Ways to Deliver the Social Proof You Need to Win Business
Aug,23,2014by: Barry Feldman
Psychologists, sociologists and new media marketingologists call this powerful dynamic “social proof.” Most of us less scientific sheeps don't call it anything. We simply choose to follow the crowd. Read More
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