Huffington Post Blog
5 Unexplored Ways Your Small Business Loses Money
Aug ,12,2014
by: Jackie Nagel
Cash flow is an important aspect of any business. And, it's particularly critical for a small business growing on a shoestring and a prayer. In the hectic day-to-day operation of a business, it's common to overlook the many holes in your small business through which your cash is leaking.
Most small business entrepreneurs are familiar with money lost from ineffective pricing strategies, including underpricing. But, did you know you could be forfeiting more money in seemingly insignificant ways? Read More
Social Media Examiner
New Research Shows Social Media Word-of-Mouth Rising
by: Kiera Stein
Do you want people to tell their friends about your business? Are you getting positive word of mouth?New research shows that word-of-mouth marketing has grown exponentially on social media.In this article you’ll discover three ways you can encourage customers to tell their friends about you. Read More
Strategy and Business
Competitive Narcissism: A Marketing Lesson
by: Catherine Palmieri
Recently, I read (again) that marketers are abandoning their efforts on social media. Despite desperately trying to be “liked,” businesses have seen little financial gain from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and similar social media platforms. This is nothing new; five years ago, businesses complained that people rarely clicked the ads they posted on Facebook.
The challenge of advertising on social media now reminds me of the Greek myth of Echo and Narcissus. Echo was a nymph who had been cursed with an affliction: She couldn’t speak except to repeat what others said to her. One day, she fell in love with Narcissus and hid in the woods waiting for him to notice her. When he called out to some friends, she called back, and he asked her to show herself. Unfortunately for Echo, he rejected her immediately upon seeing her (at which point she ran off, gradually wasting away until only her voice remained—the mountain’s echo). Narcissus continued to attract other wood nymphs, all of whom he briefly entertained before scorning and rejecting them too. Nobody matched his beauty, and so he though no one was worthy of his affection. Eventually, though, Narcissus did fall in love—with his own reflection in a pool of water. Read More
HBR Blog Network
When (and Why) to Pay for Tweets
by: Ryan Holmes
If you’re on social media, you’ve seen them: ads dressed up to look (almost) exactly like normal tweets, Facebook posts, and LinkedIn updates from your friends and followers. They’re called native social ads, and while user opinions vary from indifference to annoyance, the results would seem to speak for themselves.
Facebook native ads that appear in users’ news feeds are clicked on 49 times more often than traditional banner ads in the right sidebar, according to AdRoll. Meanwhile, Promoted Tweets have shown engagement rates of 1% to 3%. Normal banner ads are clicked on just 0.2% of the time. Read More
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