Marketing Land
Mobile Traffic To News Sites Dropped 8.5% During Facebook Outage
by: Martin Beck
Facebook’s brief outage Friday was annoying to many, including apparently the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department, but it was useful for people interested in the social network’s impact on web traffic.
Chartbeat, which provides real-time analytics for web publishers, found that overall traffic on news sites fell 3% during the outage, which started at about noon Eastern time and lasted less than an hour. Entrances to news sites from mobile devices fell 8.5% during the downtime, according to Chartbeat, re-confirming Facebook’s major role in driving mobile traffic to online publishers. Read More
Deseret News National Edition
Stay-at-home CEOs: The pros and cons of balancing family and work in a home-based business
by: Michael De Groote,
Sometimes businesses at trade shows would snub Renae Christine when they found out her company was run out of her home. "They were only interested in brick and mortar businesses," she says.
But that was in 2006, pre-recession, and with the recovering economy she has seen a shift in attitudes. So many people have since been interested in how she built a six-figure-income business in her home that she began to teach people how to set up a home business. She did it first in the blog in 2012, and now it has expanded into her primary at-home business. Read More
Small Business Newz
How the World Sees You Should Govern Your Social Media Style
by:Jay Baer
A few weeks ago, we gave Convince & Convert readers the chance to take a free assessment ($37 value) to determine how the world sees them – and more than 600 people participated. The assessment and the methodology were created by Sally Hogshead , a consultant, hall of fame speaker, and New York Times best-selling author . I recently chatted with Sally about her new book How the World Sees You (upon which the assessment is based) and the interesting commonalities among Convince & Convert readers. Video below, partial transcript below that.
Jay Baer: I think a lot of people watching this video who are frequent visitors to the Convince & Convert blog are somewhat familiar with the book and the premise because we had hundreds and hundreds of blog readers and social media contacts of mine take the pre-assessment. We’ll talk about that in a little bit but for anybody who’s not familiar with the book or the premise of How The World Sees You , maybe you can set that up for them. Read More
Social Media Examiner
How to Infuse Your Personality Into Your Social Media Marketing
by: DJ Thistle
Do your readers see you as a logo instead of a real person?
Are you sharing the real you in your social marketing?
It’s tough to walk the fine line between being professional and being yourself. With social media those two things don’t have to be mutually exclusive.
In this article you’ll discover four ways you can infuse your personality into your online marketing efforts. Read More
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