Pinterest for eCommerce
by: Denise Casagrande
Last month, Pinterest showed off its first ad at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, and it’s a beautiful tribute to how the platform connects and inspires 70 million users worldwide. Just four years from its beta launch in 2010, Pinterest has 2.5 million page views per month, making it the fastest growing social platform today.But its popularity is not the only draw – Pinterest is more successful than Twitter and Facebook at turning followers into consumers. Take a look at Pinterest by the numbers: Read MoreMobile Marketing Watch
Hey, Smartphone: Are You Stalking Me? I Mean Seriously, Are You?
by: J. Barton
Apparently, smartphone users aren’t fans of in-store tracking.Seriously. It’s as if a grand chorus is rising up with one voice to say, “Are you stalking me? I mean, seriously, are you?”An April 2014 study by PunchTab showed that just 27 percent of smartphone owners in the U.S. said they would allow mobile in-store tracking in order to receive relevant, real-time information and offers.Conversely, 50 percent were not open to mobile tracking. A smaller group — about 24 percent — didn’t have strong feelings yeah or nay. Read More
Barry Feldman
I’m guessing I read 500 headlines each day. I might skim 50 or so articles. And I go top to bottom on 5 or more. You? Maybe we’re in the same boat. We know all too well marketing changes at the speed of screen flicker. So we’re scouring blogs and any other content we can get our retinas on, hoping to stay tuned into what’s up in digital. But sheesh, my friend, I hope you’re not taking all these popular maxims at face value. I trust you’re able to sniff out the obvious manure, but fear you might be taking some of these oft-repeated maxims overly literally. Allow me to lay a few of them on you -- and give my reality check. Read More
Site Pro News
SEO’s Two Most Important Tactics
by: Tina Courtney-Brown
It used to be a fairly accurate statement to say that SEO was a finite task. You executed some keywords, meta-data, and a few tricks of the trade, and then focused on your site’s products and services. Rankings fluctuated, but usually not erratically. New tricks came along from time to time, but SEO wasn’t an all-consuming marketing game.
The harsh reality is, those days are over. You can’t fool your way into top search engine rankings by employing a few tried and true tricks. The game has massively changed, thanks to Google’s ever-evolving algorithms. Nowadays, SEO, content marketing, and social media are intrinsically linked. And each of these focuses is an on-going mission.
SEO involves methodical big picture thinking, intense content strategizing, and a keen eye for metrics analysis. Based upon your results, you then enhance or tweak different key marketing facets to improve your rankings. It’s truly an infinite art form. Read More
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